- The 2007
November Southport Weekender, Photo Report Part 2
Photographs by Patrick Trollope.

ONCE again,
we had hope you like our photographic coverage, but as ever we can
not give the event the justice it rightly deserves, despite our huge
amount of photographs, we can only scratches the surface of what is
one of the best events the area could ever want to offer the world!
We would like to
thank all who helped us this year in producing this coverage, most
importantly we would like to thank the acts and the staff of the
Southport Weekender for allowing us have access once again.
To read last weeks
report about the 41st Southport Weekender, please click on

PC Weekender SCREEN SAVER by clicking
Also you can GET your FREE
here! |

This is page art
1 of 33
pages of our photographic coverage.
To find out more about the Weekender and
book your ticket to the May 2008 click
here. |