film Fresh Hope premiered for Liverpool, Southport and Wigan Hope
Street residents
WHEN was the
last time you were asked to share your hopes by someone who really
cared? This week residents of Hope Streets in Liverpool, Prescott,
Southport, Newton -le-Willow and Wigan received a personal
invitation to the on-line premier of a new film Fresh Hope produced
by a film company who have made films for Audi, Vodafone, O2, and
Channel 4. Watering Can Media have been commissioned by Church Army,
whose Kidz Klub project operates in Page Moss Liverpool, to produce
a film focused on a character making a journey that contains a
promise of fresh hope.
This is all part of a new website based project
created by Church Army and the Christian Enquiry Agency as a focus
for a year long conversation with the public about what it means to
live hopefully. In what is believe to be the first project of this
kind, the project also has a presence on You Tube and Facebook
websites and encourages people to express their hopes for the coming
year by text, email or post. Hope Street residents have been asked
to send in words, poetry, art work or even short movies describing
their hopes and dreams. Across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern
Ireland over 3,000 residents of other Hope Streets will receive the
same letter on behalf of the team.
The idea has been welcomed by the Bishop of Liverpool James Jones,
whose own Cathedral is located on Hope Street. The Bishop comments;-
"The Christian Gospel is all about Hope, and here in Liverpool
with our two cathedrals located at either end of Hope Street we want
to be a beacon for that hope. I am delighted that over 3,000
residents of Hope Streets right across the UK will be asked about
their hopes for the coming year by this initiative. Church Army and
the Christian Enquiry Agency have developed an imaginative project
and I wish every
success in generating a year-long conversation about what it means
to live hopefully."
Visitors to the site ,which is launched to coincide with the
beginning of Advent, will also have the opportunity to test their “hopefulness
score” and sign up for “Secrets of Hope” – a weekly email
designed to help people be more optimistic about the future. Slam
poet Jude Simpson has produced a special performance poem- 'Broken
Open' which is also premiered on the site.
The site was the idea of Gareth Squire Director of the Christian
Enquiry Agency who says:- “We want to be a
central place of inspiration and information about the faith that
drives Christians to serve their communities - but equally
importantly, we want it to be a place where people of all faiths and
none can express their hopes and dreams and engage in a conversation
about the true nature of hope.”
David Coleman of Church Army who is a partner in the project and
part of the creative team behind the film and website adds;-
“Everyone hopes for something and this projects is designed to start
where people are and encourage as many people as possible to share
their hopes - even those who don't live on Hope Street.”
To view the film Fresh Hope see
must include annual leave and bank holidays when calculating
how much pay to deduct for strike action, the High Court
ruled. UNISON, the UK’s largest public sector union, brought
the test case, Cooper v Isle of Wight College, following
strike action to protect members’ pension rights in March
last year.
The decision means that the Isle of Wight College should
have deducted only 1/260th of the annual salary of a striker
for the 1-day strike not 1/228th. The ruling has
implications for all employers making deductions from
employees’ wages for taking strike action. UNISON has
consistently argued that the correct method of deducting
salaries during strike action is to deduct the weekend and
other non-working days (but not annual leave or bank
holidays) resulting in a formula of 1/260th of the annual
salary for a day’s strike.
Dave Prentis, UNISON General Secretary, said:- “The
amount of money may seem small but the principle of the case
is much bigger. The strike action last year was to defend
pension rights and it involved 30,000 members in the further
education sector. On the advice of the Association of
Colleges, many colleges used an unfair formula and took more
money than they were entitled. The ruling makes it
clear that employers will fall foul of the law if they fail
to include annual leave and bank holidays in their
calculations. There will be an order in due course from the
court instructing the Isle of Wight College to repay the
difference. “
The case was brought by UNISON because of a long standing
practice in the further education sector of calculating the
amount to be deducted on the basis of the value of the day’s
salary after excluding employees’ holiday and annual leave
days. This formula was chosen by many colleges on the advise
of the Association of Colleges (AoC) and resulted in around
1/228th of the annual salary being deducted for a single
day’s strike. One of the colleges that adopted the AoC
advice was the Isle of Wight College, who deducted 1/228th
of our members’ salaries for the one-day strike.
The High Court agreed with UNISON’s lawyers and found that
the correct formula for deductions was 1/260th of the annual
salary and that the defendant college was not entitled to
deduct the sums that it had.
Kids take
trip to Winter Wonderland
is here – and magical Christmas tales are about to be
brought to life for hundreds of Liverpool children.
Local theatre company Fuse has teamed up with the city
council to launch ‘Winter Tales’, a series of special
storytelling theatre performances which are bringing the
wonder of Christmas to young people throughout the city.
The theatrical adaptations of well-loved stories aim to take
children on a journey through snowy, wintry places, to meet
loveable and comical characters, from Cuddly Dudley the
penguin, to Silly Santa and the Jolly Christmas Postman.
Blind and partially sighted children will be treated to the
magic of Christmas tomorrow (Wednesday 5 December), as
Winter Tales arrives at St Vincent’s School for the Blind,
The city council’s executive member for children’s services,
Councillor Paul Clein, said:- “Winter Tales is a
fantastic project which aims to introduce hundreds of
families from all over Liverpool to the joys of reading and
storytelling this Christmas.”
Fuse has been awarded a grant from Merseyside Arts and
Cultural Fund towards ‘Winter Tales’, together with
funding from Bookstart. Performed by actors from the theatre
company, the stories will be performed in libraries,
children’s centres and schools across Liverpool.
more information about performance dates, venues and times,
please contact Irene Mandelkow on 0151 233 5864. |