Wingwalkers search Merseyside for Lovebirds just plane crazy about
each other..!

TEAM Guinot,
the world’s only formation wingwalking team, are searching
Merseyside for daring lovebirds hoping to land an expenses-paid
marriage made in heaven…or to be precise 500 feet in the air!
The team’s sponsors, Guinot skincare, are offering 1 daring couple
the amazing opportunity to wed on the wings of their famous
wingwalking biplanes.
The happy couple and a highflying vicar
will be strapped to the top wing of the biplanes before taking to
the air for the wedding blessing of a lifetime.
Friends and
family will watch the airborne ceremony from the team’s beautiful
First World War airfield before enjoying a sumptuous wedding
breakfast laid on by glamorous Team Guinot.
“I can’t imagine a more unique celebration than declaring your
vows whilst soaring above your friends and family.
It will be
such fun to help the bride onto the wing in her bridal gown!” says
professional Guinot wingwalker Sarah Tanner.
Guinot will prepare the lovebirds for their special day with regular
skincare treatments at their local Guinot salon, ensuring the happy
couple look wonderful while literally feeling on cloud 9!
Team Guinot will select a couple from each region of the UK and 14
couples will battle it out to convince the team why their wedding
should be blessed in the skies.
To ensure you are selected as the Merseyside couple and to land this
amazing opportunity highflying couples’ should send an
explaining why they are just plane crazy about each other.
5,500 people denied insulin pumps in the North West
calling for more access to insulin pumps for people with diabetes as
research shows they are more effective in improving blood glucose
control and reducing hypoglycaemic episodes than traditional insulin
Current access to insulin pumps in the UK is patchy. Just over 2%
(6,000) of people with Type 1 diabetes in the UK are using pumps
compared to 15 to 20% in the USA and Germany. Diabetes UK estimates
that a further 50,000 people in the UK are eligible for insulin
pumps but are being denied access. Diabetes UK wants PCTs (or
their national equivalents) and health professionals to end this
postcode lottery and for the National Institute of Health and
Clinical Excellence (NICE) to review their restrictive guidance.
Researchers in Barcelona studied 153 people with Type 1 diabetes,
who previously treated their condition with traditional injections.
After 2 years of insulin pump therapy average blood glucose levels
went down from 7.9% to 7.3% (good blood glucose levels are between
6.5% and 7.5 %). Good blood glucose control is crucial to reduce the
risk of developing life threatening diabetic complications such as
blindness, heart disease, kidney failure and disease and
amputations. The study is published in the journal Diabetic
Helen Pattie, North West Regional Manager for Diabetes UK, said:-
“This research is more evidence that insulin pumps could benefit
many more people with diabetes. Although pumps are not recommended
for all people who manage their diabetes with insulin, it would be
beneficial for many including those with Type 2 diabetes. PCTs must
ensure that people have the option according to clinical need,
personal choice and suitability. The annual cost of a pump is
more than insulin injections, £1,400 compared to around £500.
However, in the long term it would benefit the NHS by reducing the
cost of treating diabetic complications, which currently runs at £5
billion a year. Diabetes UK urges NICE to take account of this new
research and enable those suitable for pump therapy to move towards
achieving good blood glucose control when it publishes new guidance
in 2008.”
Dr Ignacio Conget, Consultant Endocrinologist and Associated
Professor of Medicine at the Endocrinology and Diabetes Unit in
Hospital Clínic i Universitari, Barcelona, said:- “By the end
of September 2007, 980 people with Type 1 diabetes were treated in
Catalonia (around 7.5 million inhabitants) with insulin pump therapy
using the established criteria for funding from our National Health
Service. The main conclusion of our work is that although pump
therapy may not be available for everyone who suffers from the
condition, there is a subset of patients who could benefit the most.
Therefore, the crucial point here is to perform an accurate
selection of the best candidates for this sort of therapy.”
The financial costs to the NHS of treating the consequences of
poorly controlled diabetes can include:-
* 1 overnight stay in hospital following admission to A&E for a
diabetes emergency - £350
* 1 course of laser
treatment for retinopathy - £850
* 1 procedure of
dialysis treatment for kidney disease - £500
* Renal dialysis for
the year - £15,000 |