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Date:- 17 December 2007

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RESIDENTS on Merseyside are being asked to check the authenticity of 'charity' collections after Trading Standards officers in Sefton area have been contacted by a number of concerned residents. The residents all received leaflets through their letter boxes asking for clothing and other items. If these are scams, then they are likely to be used through out the region. Generally the leaflets say they are collecting for charity and the needy, when in fact some of them are registered charities and are from bogus collectors.

Trading Standards officers don't want residents to stop giving to legitimate charities and those in need, but are asking them to follow some simple steps.

Sefton Trading Standards manager, Andrew Naisbitt, said:- "Donating your clothing and other goods to genuine charities helps to raise vital funds. Please make sure that your donation goes to a legitimate charity or organisation collecting on their behalf.

Take care when making your donation and make sure that your help goes to those who really need it - and that charities don't lose out.

Unfortunately, some anonymous 'bogus collectors may try to exploit your generosity for their own gain - some of these have been operating in the Sefton area.

They may also steal donations left for collection for genuine charities and it estimated these bogus collections cost charities at least £2 million a year.

But don't be taken in. Always read the small print and know exactly where your donation is going. Try to check the contact details,as they might be false.

Remember, if there is no legitimate telephone number, the people who put the leaflet through your door don't want to call - for a reason."

If you have any doubts about the leaflets asking for donations, check them out.

* Ring the Charity Commission helpline (0845 300 0218) or visit their online register of charities at to see whether the name or number given belongs to a legitimate registered charity.

* Call Consumer Direct for further advice (08454 04 05 06) or visit the 'Watch out!' section of their website on


This pictures shows Audrey Stuart (centre) flanked by Ron Stuart and Penny Hipwell with other members of the theatre staff.

OVER the years, most of the wards and departments at Ormskirk Hospital have benefited from generous donations from the Hospital Shop. For nearly 20 years Audrey Stuart has run the shop together with her husband Ron and a band of very willing helpers.

During the last 12 months, the staff in the Theatre Suite have had good reason to be grateful to Audrey, Ron and colleagues for every time they have a few minutes to spare for a cup of tea or a little something to eat in their rest room, they benefit from the refurbished easy chairs provided by a £1,500 donation.

However, of late they have had even more reason to be grateful as a £40,000 donation has provided much needed additional equipment. This has included, three sets of arthroscopic instruments, a diathermy machine and specialist equipment for upper limb surgery and for ear, nose and throat surgery.

Penny Hipwell, Theatre Manager couldn't thank Audrey and Ron enough when they paid a visit to the Theatre Suite to see the newly refurbished chairs and the medical equipment.

Penny explained:- "We need the additional equipment as there are seven theatres in the Suite which are regularly used six days a week."

In addition to the magnificent sum of money donated to Theatres, proceeds from the Shop has provided £500 to l5 wards and departments throughout the hospital during the last 12 months, including £1,500 to Tiddlywinks Nursery for play equipment.

The Hospital Shop is open 7 days a week for some 11 hours a day and some 60 volunteers are involved in covering this span of hours - quite a staffing achievement.

Southport FC Juniors go into 2008 in style

SOUTHPORT FC Juniors Under 11’s will be starting 2008 in style thanks to new kit sponsored by UKHairdressers.Com. This is a snap shot of the team before a recent home match, with their coaches Besides Andy Cunningham and Steve Baldwin and Peter Davenport (SFC First team manager), together with Joan Stapely (Managing Director) and some of her team from UKHairdressers.Com.

The Bishop Of Liverpool's statement over the death of Rev Canon Chris Woods

THE Bishop of Liverpool, the Diocese of Liverpool and the people of St Helens are greatly saddened by the death of Rev Canon Chris Woods. He died suddenly in the early hours of Monday 10 December 2007.

Chris was priest in charge of St Helens Parish Church since 2005 and Area Dean of St Helens for six years up until 2006. He was known for his outstanding care and concern for the people of his parish and was a hugely popular figure in the town.

He was previously Vicar, then Team Vicar of Holy Trinity, Parr between 1979 and 2007. He was an Honorary Canon of Liverpool Cathedral.

The Bishop of Liverpool the Rt Rev James Jones commented:- “We are all profoundly shocked by Chris’ death. He was an outstanding Vicar who, with Kathy, served the Parish, Deanery and Diocese with great energy and dedication. His love of God was infectious and his commitment to people exemplary. We are all in mourning but thank God for the privilege of knowing him and working with him in God’s Kingdom.

We pray for Kathy and his family that they might know the promise of Jesus who said ‘Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted’.”

Burglary at St Joseph's Church, in Tranmere

MERSEYSIDE Police are appealing for any information about a burglary, which took place at St Joseph's Church in Tranmere.

During the incident, which took place on Thursday 29 November 2007, between 10am and 5:30pm, offenders gained entry to the church and stole a valuable 5 foot tall brass candlestick.

Neighbourhood Inspector Brian Griffiths said:- "This is an appalling crime, where offenders entered a place of worship and helped themselves to a valuable item.

As it is near Christmas, this item of stolen property is more likely to be seen and offered for sale.

We are appealing to anyone who has any information about this incident or the whereabouts of the candlestick, which is very distinguishable, to please make contact with Merseyside Police via 0151 709 6010 or call Crimestoppers anonymously on:- 0800 555 111."

Sadness of the death of  Diocese of Liverpool  Bishop Jim Roxburgh

THE Bishop of Liverpool and the Diocese of Liverpool are greatly saddened this week by the death of much loved Bishop Jim Roxburgh. Bishop Jim died on Monday 10 December 2007 after a long illness.

Bishop Jim had been an Assistant Bishop in the Diocese of Liverpool since 1991 and was an outstanding servant of the church and community. He was very actively involved in church life. He was a great ‘people person’ and many knew him well from the many services of Confirmation he would take in various churches around the Liverpool diocese each year. All would speak of his vivacity and charm.

Before returning to the Diocese of Liverpool Bishop Jim ministered in a number of parishes throughout the country, including Bootle St Matthew and was Area Bishop of Barking from 1984-1990. On retirement he moved north to live in Southport, where he soon became well known for his love of people.

The Bishop of Liverpool Rt Rev James Jones commented:-
“We thank God for Bishop Jim and his continuing ministry right up to the end of his life. Countless people have been blessed through his work since his ordination 63 years ago.

He returned to the Diocese in his retirement and proved that there is no such thing as retirement from the Kingdom of God. We hold Audrey and his whole family in our prayers."

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