THE highest
restaurant in Britain is due to be launched in Liverpool in February
2008. Panoramic, as it will be called, is situated on the 34th floor
of Liverpool’s tallest building, Beetham’s West Tower and is
considered the highest restaurant in Britain. This statment is based
on the criteria that it is a fully serviced catering or retail
establishment that serves prepared food to seated customers.
As its moniker suggests, Panoramic will boast 360 views across
Liverpool, views of the Welsh hills, Manchester’s Hilton hotel and
will offer an impressive and unsurpassed landscape of five different
counties. It will bring back many memories of the restaurant that
was at the top of the St John’s Beacon, now renamed the Radio City
Chris Marshall, former Head Chef at one of Liverpool’s top
restaurants, has been selected to head up the restaurant and will
act as a creative guide for the restaurant’s cuisine. Having already
attained an excellent reputation in the city for his culinary
skills, Chris is ready to take his expertise, and the restaurant, to
a higher level.
“Liverpool is undergoing a huge transformation at the moment, and
come 2008 it will be a major tourist destination for people
worldwide, so it’s only right that a spectacle such as the country’s
highest restaurant should be located here.
We are really excited about this venture and envisage that Panoramic
will be a restaurant which people can come to enjoy great food,
coupled with great views, in comfortable yet stylish surroundings.”
said Chris Marshall.
The restaurant, which has benefited from a £1 million investment and
high specification by Richard Eastwood of R2 Architects, will be
open in February 2008 and reservations are now being taken.
Early Christmas for
Job Seekers
Liverpool people have been successfully shopping for jobs. They have
found work after being helped by the Shops for Jobs initiative, at
the new Debenhams store, due to open next Spring as one of the
anchor stores in the Liverpool One Development.
Shop for Jobs is an initiative bringing together Liverpool City
Council, Job CentrePlus and the Connexions service to ensure as many
people as possible have the chance of applying for and gaining jobs
in the city’s booming retail sector.
The 40 celebrating job success first heard about the Debenhams
opportunities when the Shop for Jobs team organised six community
days for the retail giant across the city.
Following job preparation training and other help from the Shop for
Jobs team the job seekers have been offered a variety of
opportunities throughout the store.
They will be celebrating their success at a special event on
Thursday when they will be joined by the Lord Mayor, Cllr Paul
Senzillo Martins, one of the successful job seekers, who will be
working in the food services department, said:- "All of the
Shops for Jobs team were very helpful and the information which we
received during training was very useful for our interview
Their help and guidance helped me to have the confidence to carry
out my interview with Debenhams and I am delighted to have been
offered a permanent job."
Cllr Flo Clucas, Executive Member for Economic Development, said:-
“This is great news for all the city’s job seekers. A new
employer working with Shop for Jobs has made a great effort to reach
out to the whole of the city and made a commitment to employing
local people.”
Debenhams Liverpool Manager Kevin O'Donovan said:- "Debenhams
is delighted to be working with Shop for Jobs to provide positions
for people in our new Liverpool store and have made around 40 job
offers to Shop for Jobs trained individuals.
The response to the joint initiative from Liverpool City Council,Job
Centre Plus and Connexions has been fantastic and has really helped
Debenhams develop very strong community links in advance of our
exciting new store opening in spring next year".
Jackie Mason Jobcentre Plus Merseyside District manager added: -
"The strong partnership between Jobcentre Plus and Shop For Jobs
means we have plugged into the untapped potential of the people of
“Debenhams have demonstrated their commitment to Merseyside people
by being one of the first employers within the retail sector to sign
a Jobcentre Plus Local Employment Partnership Agreement. This is an
initiative lead by the Prime Minister to enable effective
recruitment, strong communities and better business. The Debenhams
recruitment is an excellent example of how this is happening on
Merseyside.” |
People in Wirral can have a say about their health services
Wirral PCT is launching a wide-reaching listening
exercise, ‘Health for all, Have your say’ which will
give local people the opportunity to have their say on proposed
plans for health and healthcare in Wirral over the next five years.
These plans will show how the PCT will work to reduce the gap
between those who experience the best and the poorest of health,
offer people greater choice about how and where they are treated and
provide quality, personalised care.
The listening exercise will be launched on 7 January 2008 and people
will be asked to forward their views by 14 April 2008. During
January 2008, each person over the age of 16 who is registered with
a GP will receive a personalised letter and the ‘Health for all,
Have your say’ booklet, summarising the PCT’s plans. There are a
variety of ways in which people will be able to send us their views.
Full details of this, together with a free post feedback form are
included in the booklet. All members of the public who send in their
comments will be entered into a draw with the chance to win a range
of prizes including a LCD television, iPod Touch or shopping
The ‘Health for All, Have Your Say’ campaign is being
officially launched at a high profile event taking place on Monday 7
January at the Pyramids Shopping Centre in Birkenhead. There will
also be a wide range of opportunities for people of all ages to get
involved in having their say in the coming weeks, including Local
Area Forums, Fun for All activity days, focus groups and other
community based events.
Kathy Doran, Chief Executive of Wirral Primary Care Trust said:-
“We are committed to delivering the very best healthcare for
everyone living in Wirral and believe that by working together we
can make this happen. We were recently awarded the National Health
Service Journal Award for Primary Care Organisation of the Year
2007, which was due in part to our commitment in involving patients
and the public in what we do. We believe that this exercise will
give local people the chance more than ever before to have their say
about the future of local health services. We would like to
encourage everybody to get involved in the coming weeks and months.
We will ensure that all comments received will be taken into
consideration in future plans.”
How to get involved...
email or visit:- and follow the
Have your say link.
Gold Zone police to stay on beat
Gold Zone police officers are set to stay on the beat for at least
the next three years – thanks to a new deal with the city council.
Since 2000, the city council has paid Merseyside Police for 12 extra
officers who are exclusively dedicated to patrolling the city
It has been a huge success, with the level of reported crime in the
area at a 10 year low and research showing that 98 percent of people
questioned in February 2007, in the "City centre perceptions
survey", said that it is a safe place to be.
Following a review of the present arrangements, a report to the city
council’s Executive Board is recommending that a new rolling three
year agreement is introduced which formalises matters for the
It will see an increase in the amount paid to Merseyside Police from
£375k to £475k to reflect inflation and pay awards, and there will
be annual uplifts in future years.
Councillor Mike Storey, executive member for regeneration and the
city centre, said:- “We were the first council in the country
to decide to pay for extra police officers and it has been a
tremendous success.
The additional bobbies have had a massive impact on deterring and
combating crime and anti social behaviour in the city centre and
people tell us that they feel safe on the streets, whether they are
in town to shop during the day or to socialise at night.”
Councillor Colin Eldridge, executive member for community safety,
said:- “Liverpool is now one of the safest city centres in the
country which is great news - not just for local people but also for
stores, bars and clubs who are dependent upon attracting people
through their doors to stay in business.
As we enter Capital of Culture year, it is vital that we have a
continued police presence to provide reassurance to the millions of
visitors who will be coming to our city to enjoy the celebrations in
2008. It is a great example of a successful partnership between the
city council and Merseyside Police.”
Superintendent John Martin from Merseyside Police said:- "Gold
Zone officers have become an important part of the policing
landscape in the city centre.
The Gold Zone is an important part of Merseyside Police's Total
Policing Strategy with officers playing a vital role in reassuring
the people who live in and work in and visit our city.
This is another example of effective partnership working between the
police and local authority."
A formalised service level agreement will be implemented providing
the report is agreed by the city council’s Executive Board at a
meeting on Friday, 21 December 2007. |