Police and Sefton Home Watch committee have warned every one to be
on the look out for items being taken out of handbags without the
owner's knowledge. This continues to be a problem particularly
during sale times when the shops are so busy, so be aware of this
when out and about. The Sefton Home Watch committee has suggested
people should stay vigilant at all times and not carry large amounts
of cash on them. They also recommended that you do not carry your ID
and house hold keys in the same bag as each other. Other options
that can help you when you are distracted are to get handbag and
purse alarms. If you are a member of Home Watch, then you will be
glad to know that these alarms will be on sale in the near future
from your Home Watch area group. These can be attached to purses to
help prevent theft.
Birkdale and Ainsdale Cluster Meeting
THE annual
Birkdale and Ainsdale Cluster, Home Watch, meeting will be held on
Tuesday 11 March 2008 at Birkdale High School in the Media Studies
Hall starting at 7.30pm. This year we are combining the event with
the Police Forum and the event will be attended by the Area
Commander. You will receive a letter to confirm details. All members
of Home Watch in Southport are invited. The alarms mentioned in the
above article will be on sale at this event.
Freddie Baker's take
on "Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life..."
Photography by Sally Devine

LOCAL singer Freddie Baker, who come songwriter from Halewood in
Liverpool has taken the Monty Python tune "Always Look On The
Bright Side Of Life" and made it into a theme for
Merseyside. This promotional song he calls "The Merseyside
song" has been featured on ITVs Granada Reports and to date
it has had over 100.000 downloads.
song is available FREE OF CHARGE from my website at
Freddie Baker told us that:- "I do not sell any products on my
site and there are no advertisements? I do it, just to pass my
ideas on to others.
I wrote this song to help Merseyside and to put some humour back
into the bad press the city has gained over the past. It is
intended to bring a smile on everyone’s face.
The song is played often on BBC radio and also played on
different stations throughout the UK earlier last year.
I picked the tune as many will know from Monty Python, as a happy
funny song. With the tune being familiar top so many people, I hope
that people will pick it up quicker than a new tune would be taken
up. In my view, the tune lends it self to Liverpool
humour so well.
I contacted your paper as I just thought your readers would enjoy
the song. I hope they can also help to pass it on to others.
Liverpool and its people should always bring smiles to people’s
faces, but not at our expense, as so often it is, to our cities
image. Good Luck to the people of Liverpool for 08. I just hope
we can show the world what Liverpool has to offer the world and keep
the bad press out!" |
hockey player to visit local schools

THE Great
Britain hockey squad member Kerry Williams will visit students at
Upton Hall School in Wirral on Thursday, 17 January 2008, as part of
Sky Living For Sport, a national initiative organised by the Youth
Sport Trust in partnership with Sky to inspire young people through
sport and re-engage them with school life.
Kerry is an Athlete Mentor, part of a team of champion sportspeople
led by Olympic Gold Medallist and Sky Living For Sport Ambassador
Darren Campbell MBE, who visit schools across the country as part of
Sky Living For Sport, to help engage young people aged 11 to 16 with
school life and to help them reach personal goals.
Sky Living For Sport has brought on board a number of sporting
heroes who act as positive role models for young people. Using
personal stories from their childhoods and their experiences as
successful athletes to illustrate behavioural messages and
communicate life skills, the Athlete Mentors inspire, challenge and
encourage students to achieve their full potential in school.
Kerry is a key member of the England Women’s Hockey team, winning
bronze in the 2007 Euronations Tournament which secured Olympic
Qualification for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. She is now a
member of the GB squad and is in training for the Olympics.
Kerry says:- “I hope that through telling my story, I am able
to encourage and inspire young people to strive for their dreams and
realise their potential.”
The highly successful Sky Living For Sport initiative is now in its
fifth year, and has involved some 17,000 young people in England,
Scotland and Northern Ireland. Over 600 schools have taken part in
Sky Living For Sport.
Sky Living For Sport gives young people the opportunity to try a
wide range of sporting activities - from rafting to skateboarding;
from trampolining to martial arts - while working toward personal
targets to improve their performance in school. Schools involved
receive a comprehensive package of support, including training for
staff, resources for pupils, funding for activities and access to a
prestigious awards programme.
Latest research on Sky Living For Sport, published in September
2007, conducted by the Institute of Youth Sport at Loughborough
University, shows that participating pupils show improved behaviour
and increased self-confidence, and are overwhelmingly positive in
their comments about the initiative. Over 80 per cent of teachers
report that their pupils have benefited from the project activities
and almost all teachers thought that the Athlete Mentors had an
influential and positive impact.
Ben Stimson, Director of Responsibility and Reputation, BSkyB,
says:- “Sky Living For Sport is gaining ground all the time
and we are now seeing the benefits it is bringing to schools,
teachers and students. The Athlete Mentors are such powerful role
models for young people and we are delighted that Kerry has been
able to join students and staff to motivate and enthuse all those
Sue Campbell, Chair of the Youth Sport Trust, says:- “I should
like to congratulate both the students and staff at Upton Hall for
their enthusiasm and hard work in managing Sky Living For Sport.
Kerry knows at first hand the commitment needed to successfully
achieve a personal best, and I am sure she will be an important
influence on the students now taking part.”
For more information please visit:- |