Teachers must be trained to teach financial education
ifs School of Finance, a leading financial education charity, has
called on policymakers to introduce an element of financial
education to all teacher-training programmes.
Anne Kiem, Director of External Affairs at the ifs School of
Finance, said:- “We believe it is essential that teachers are
adequately equipped with the skills and confidence to teach personal
finance. This would best be achieved by introducing an element of
Personal Finance to all teacher-training programmes. In addition to
giving teachers the skills and confidence to teach the subject
effectively, doing so would also enable teachers to better manage
their own finances, whether they go on to teach the subject or not.”
The calls follow recent research from the Association of Investment
Companies (AIC) which suggested only 4% of teachers taught financial
education, but that 25% would do so if it were made a statutory part
of the curriculum and a further 57% would take it on as an
additional subject if they were provided with appropriate training.
Anne Kiem added:- “The fact that the AIC research suggests
almost 75% of teachers would be happy to teach personal finance if
it were a statutory course and proper teacher training was provided,
again highlights the need for both.”
The AIC research also showed that over 90% of parents and teachers
think personal finance should be taught in schools.
The ifs School of Finance has long campaigned for Government to make
a standalone qualification in personal finance a statutory part of
the school curriculum, putting personal finance on an equal footing
with other subjects such as Geography and Modern Foreign languages
ie. compulsory for schools to offer it, but not compulsory for all
students to take it.
The ifs School of Finance currently provides the only GCSE
equivalent qualifications in Personal Finance, the Foundation and
Intermediate Certificates in Personal Finance, as well as AS and A
level equivalent qualifications in financial studies.
Over 10,000
students in England & Wales are already taking these recently
launched qualifications. |
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