Rock, Paper & Scissors gig @ Cafe Matisse, Southport...

ON 22
February 2008, a local promotions group called Rock, Paper &
Scissors, held a lively night's entertainment at Southport's
Cafe Matisse. Four bands met up that night, putting on a
truly stunning show in front of over 100 fans who had piled
in to the venue in order to support the bands... Sadly, for
two of the bands, the gremlins got to the snare drum cutting
their performance time down, but they quickly made up for it
with their talent and showmanship. Also, thanks to one of
the bands who managed to get a spare drum in. Taking to the
stage first was Aspen Ride, then Southport based band The
Pons. They were swiftly followed by Trip Hazard and then,
ending the night in spectacular form, was Doal Drummer. This
was a very well organized event, with sensible drink prices,
good live music and a fantastic atmosphere, something that
has been lacking for quite some time in Southport's
To find out when the
next band nights are on at the Cafe Matisse check out
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to see more photos from this event!
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