MORE than 7
out of 10 people in the North West of England believe that the
Government should provide financial assistance to help people become
live-in carers. With the Government currently undertaking a
consultation on the funding of social care and admitting that the
system needs fundamental reform, a survey issued on the eve of
National Carers Week reveals that people would prefer to be cared
for in their own homes in old age. They also want funding to be made
available to encourage more people to become carers.
The survey, conducted for Consultus Care and Nursing Agency, one of
Britain’s leading Home Care management services, also showed that
more than twenty six per cent of those questioned in the North West
would consider becoming paid live-in carers.
Celia Hoare, of Consultus Care, said:- “The Government know
that with an ageing population some major decisions need to be made
regarding the future of care in this country. Live-in care at home
is one option that is often not considered because people are
unaware that it is available. Our survey shows that having a
carer living with them at home is far preferable for most people
than the prospect of going into a care home. People also realise
that expecting family members to care for them in old age can be
unrealistic and so would like to see more support for live-in caring
as a profession.”
The survey illustrated the importance of a live-in option, with more
than 53% of those questioned in the North West saying they would
like to use such services, while 43% admitted they would not like to
burden relatives with the task of looking after them. 60% of
respondents wanted to see greater awareness of live-in caring as a
profession, with more than half of those questioned also wanting
education and training courses, plus tax advantages for carers.
Celia Hoare added:- “This survey has revealed that most people
would be happiest at home, and they should have that option
As a leading agency, we need more people to take up
live-in caring as a profession – it is very rewarding, and we can
offer advice on the training and skills they would need to be able
to provide the best quality care”.
Letters to Editor:-
"Lord Mayors Parade, Merchant seafarers"

"I marched in the Lord Mayors
Parade Saturday and I proudly carried the Merchant seafarers flag
the 'Red Duster.
It was an honour for me and I felt I represented my
young uncle Peter Myles and all those brave seafarers who often are
the unsung hero's and get little mention in the press.
Thank you for
your patience." Gerry Myles LRMS. |
Southport's Charity Fun Fest

THE Princes
Park, Southport Charity Fun Fest was a huge success this year and it
was held over two days. The weather was good on the Saturday, 7 June
2008, for the Fun Fest, but Sunday, 8 June, was amazing, attracting
massive crowds all day long. The annual event was held with thanks
to the Visitor newspaper and many volunteers from all over Sefton.
It had lots of attractions from including a fairground, steam
traction engine, Southport Model Railway, limo rides thanks to MD
Travel, It's A Knockout, morris dancers, live bands with thanks to
Southport Community Radio and many more. All the money raised
from the day will go Southport charities. We will bring you a
full report and lots more photographs in next weeks issue.
