Heaven on earth a First Church of Christ Scientist, Talk
AS an impartial news media
internet paper, we have been asked to publish the following for the
First Church of Christ Scientist.
Most people probably agree that heaven represents a really good
state of affairs, but that all too often earth seems very far from
heaven. International speaker, Daniel Scott says:-
“Wouldn't we all like to see more harmony expressed in our families,
communities, and the world? My lecture offers a practical, powerful,
and spiritual approach to improving the human condition as well as
some thought-provoking ideas on the nature of heaven.”
Daniel Scott, a member of the Christian Science Board of
Lectureship, presents a talk “Heaven on Earth – Here and Now”
on Saturday, 11 October, 2008, 3.00pm at First Church of Christ,
Scientist, 9 Lord Street, Southport, PR8 2BH. Admission is
free. During this talk Scott explores a more spiritual
approach to heaven, explaining how the health and harmony we
associate with heaven, can be experienced more fully here and now.
Scott’s ideas are based on the Bible and the book Science and Health
with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy, which brings out the
scientific, timeless, and universal nature of Christianity.
During this talk audiences will:-
• Learn that there is a spiritually scientific basis to Christ
teaching that ‘the kingdom of heaven is at hand’.
• Explore practical ideas that everyone can utilise to bring more
harmony into their experience, and that can strengthen our prayers
the world.
• Find inspiration and help through real-life stories of clear-cut
Daniel Scott spent 7 years at Cambridge University gaining a MA in
mathematics and a PhD in mathematical physics. Since 1998,
Scott has been working full time as a practitioner of Christian
Science healing. His speaking engagements have included
schools, universities, youth, church and interfaith groups.
Scott travels from his home in Scarborough presenting talks around
the UK. |
MORE than half of all health
students are considering quitting their studies due to debt, with
almost a quarter owing over £10,000, a report* published by
UNISON has revealed. The union is calling for a review of health
student funding to avoid a recruitment and retention crisis.
Commenting on the survey, UNISON Head of Nursing, Gail Adams, said:-
“This survey has very worrying implications for the future
health of the NHS. Students are simply not getting enough financial
support. With one third of nurses due to retire in the next 10
years, and the number of health professionals coming from overseas
to work in the UK falling, urgent action is needed to avoid a
serious skills shortage.
We are calling on the government to comprehensively review to the
current bursary system, including considering a return to paying
health students a salary. We also need to see increased help for
mature students with children, and ethnic minorities, who this
survey shows are facing increased financial pressures.”
A summary of the findings includes:-
50% of students considered leaving their course due to financial
difficulties, an increase of 7% since last year.
Nursing diploma students are starting their careers owing an average
of 40% of their annual salary. If they paid back £100 per month it
would take them almost seven years to fully repay the debt, even
before interest is taken into account.
Financial pressure on black and ethnic minority students is more
severe with 74% considering leaving.
90% of health students are in debt, and average debt is £6,934. This
is a 177% increase since 2003. 23% of students have debts of over
Of the two thirds of students who receive a bursary for their course
– 70% have to take up paid employment to supplement their income.
92% of survey respondents believe that health students should be
paid a salary.
The proportion of students who were confident or fairly confident of
getting a job at the end of their studies has increased to 65% from
55% in 2007.
Email our news room your views on this
* Reaching Breaking Point –
UNISON National Survey of Health Students. |