housing tenants in the North West could save up to £700 a year on
energy bills if their landlords installed straightforward energy
saving measures, according to new figures.
A UK-wide survey commissioned by the Energy Saving Trust – the UK's
leading organisation set up to help people fight climate change –
reveals that in the North West 71% of householders said they would
try and drive down the price if the home they were trying to buy or
rent had a poor energy efficiency rating. And 89% of people would
try and knock up to 20% off the rental or purchase price. The
research also found that 74% of those in the North West think
landlords will pass on the cost of making their properties more
energy efficient to the tenant while 84% of people would think twice
about renting from a landlord whose property had a poor EPC.
From 1 October 2008, landlords are legally bound to show tenants the
Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) score of the property they are
renting out. EPCs tell people how energy-efficient a home is on a
scale of A-G. The most efficient homes – which should have the
lowest fuel bills – are in band A.
Chief executive Philip Sellwood said:- "We know that people
are going to be looking to rent out places that are cheaper to run –
it’s hardly rocket science. A poorly insulated three bedroom
semi-detached house could move from band F to C saving a tenant £700
a year on energy bills if the landlord installed straight-forward
energy saving measures like insulation. There is no good
reason for landlords to pass the cost of upgrading a property to
meet energy efficient criteria to their tenants – there is financial
support available which can help recoup any financial outlay
involved. We urge all landlords to see this new legislation as
an opportunity not a challenge. All the evidence points to the fact
that an energy-efficient home will be much more appealing to
prospective tenants.”
Landlords can apply for financial support to make their properties
greener through the Carbon Emissions Reduction Target (CERT). In
addition, landlords can apply for the Landlords Energy Saving
Allowance – a tax allowance which lets landlords claim on their
income tax or corporation tax against the cost of buying and
installing certain energy saving measures. Tax relief is for a
maximum of £1,500 per property. Landlords can contact the
Energy Saving Trust on 0800 512012 to find out what grants and
offers are available to them to make their property more energy
efficient. Landlords can also benefit from practical help offered by
local authorities and council tax reductions for lower bands.
Across the UK, the Energy Saving Trust's consumer research also
found that:
* 83% of people who rent are worried about their energy bills this
coming winter.
* 85% of people
believe they cannot guess correctly a home's energy performance
score just by looking at a home.
* 86% of people
believe it is important to look at a home's EPC rating before
* 4 in 10 people aged
between 25 and 34 would be embarrassed to tell their friends about
their home's energy efficiency rating if it was highly inefficient.
* 38% of people who
have moved in the last year now wish they had taken in to account
the energy costs of their new property before moving in.
The research was undertaken by ICM on behalf of the Energy Saving
Trust. The survey was conducted between 5 and 7 September 2008 among
2,146 adults across the UK. |
WRVS & Brighter Living Partnership Fruit & Veg Co-op Launches

THE launch of
the WRVS & Brighter Living Partnership Fruit & Veg Co-op Launches
will be at the Parenting 2000 on Mornington Road next to Southport
College from 12 to 6pm. People will be able to place orders for
large bags of fruit, veg, salad or a mix, all for £2.50 each, which
they can collect the following week. There will be cookery
demonstrations, as well as activities for the children and weather
permitting a vintage tractor.
The launch in Crossens was a huge success. Nealry all the customers
had read about the scheme because of the papers, so we are hoping to
continue this at Parenting 2000. I have included a couple of the
pictures from the Crossens launch.
"The schemes are running very well at the moment and this will be
the 4th opening in Southport this year. We are currently providing
around 250 bags per week at the 3 schemes to residents of Southport
so it is a very worthwhile not for profit project, especially in
this bleak financial period." said Ian Mitchell, Development
Worker at the Brighter Living Partnership.
THE Medical
Research Charity, the Arthritis Research Campaign (ARC) is looking
for runners to take part in this year's Liverpool Santa Dash to be
held on Sunday, 7 December 2008.
Further information can be obtained from arc's area appeals manager,
Ruth Owen on 01492 518760 or on 07736 157800 or emailing Ruth at
arc is hoping to have a team of Santas this year to raise funds for
its vital research and educational work to find a cure and
understand the causes of arthritis. arc invests more than £1 million
in its research in Liverpool.
reception followed by a meal and entertainment will be held at the
Southport Floral Hall's Ballroom on Saturday 18 October 2008.
The entertainment will be provided by Brendan McCormack,
Phil and Loura and local 6 piece band Soul Searchers.
Guests include
Colonel Bryson, OBE TD JP DL and Life President of the Royal British
Legion and Major Jan Pilgrim who received the Royal Red Cross Medal
last month and has affectionately been called the modern Florence
Mess Dress, Formal or Lounge suits with medals, Tickets £30.
Please make all cheques payable to The Veterans Fund to:-
Steve Hawkshaw,
5 Mardale Close,
PR8 3TP or call on:- 0791 491 8381. |