- St Luke’s Church Rwandan Visitors
Monday the 24th June saw the three visitors to St. Luke’s church
begin another interesting week of activities and visits. The Reverend Emmanuel Ndimukaga, (the Vicar of Shyira), Mrs Eve Karemara, (Head Teacher of Shyira High School), and Mr Ambroise (who is in charge of he medical centre in Shyira), were all taken to visit the Ainsdale Discovery Centre which is the main base for the Sefton Coast Management Scheme. They were given an introductory talk by Mr. David McAleavy, head of the Coast and Country Management Scheme, and then later toured the reserves and beach. They then had a small visit to the Formby point National Trust Reserve.
In the afternoon, they visited the Maritime Rescue Centre of Her Majesties Coastguard at Crosby. They were greeted by Mr. D MacDonald, the District Controller who took them on a tour of the centre including the operations room. They also saw a film on the work of the Maritime and Coastguard Agency. During both visits they were accompanied by Bob Wagstaff, a member of St. Luke’s Church, who is also closely linked with the Coastguards and the Ranger Service.
They are going on to visit a variety of other locations around the town, including the hospital and Formby Clinic.

Mr. D MacDonald, the District Controller
of the MAC with the visitors.

These two Pupils
from Range High Schools Newspaper interviewed two
Students one of whom has been and the other is going to go
to Rwanda as the visitors toured the school.

Mrs. Eve
Karemara watched as the pupils put the Schools newspaper together
and seeing how our education system works at first hand.

by Eric Lion Taylor & photographs
by Patrick Trollope.
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