Village Nativity
Play, Formby
ON Saturday morning, 13 December
08, Churches Together in Formby once again staged their annual and
eagerly awaited outdoor Nativity Play. Despite the gloom and
drizzle, the village was packed and people lined Chapel Lane 3 to 4
deep, to watch the unfolding pageant taking place all along the
village centre, as the Christmas story was narrated.
A large cast of well-rehearsed members
from most churches in Formby played their roles to an appreciative
audience. Enhancing the whole was the use of real animals,
sheep, goats, Clyde the donkey and a truly attractive, live camel,
Callum, specially visiting for the occasion. The smaller
animals remained in the Bazaar after the performance to be petted
and admired. There was also a children's workshop.
Refreshments, in the form of delicious mince pies, were handed
around, thanks to the generosity of local churches and shops.
Further refreshments were served in Holy Trinity's hall.
Hopefully, local traders more than made up for the disruption by
dint of extra customers after the event. Churches Together are
to be congratulated for putting their message out so eloquently and
so enjoyably. All those who took part or provided back up
services are also worthy of praise, It was, once again a
tremendous effort. Well done too, to Sefton for permitting it.
Here's to next year!
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