St John Ambulance opens New Hall

ST John
Ambulance opened it's new divisional Headquarters for Bootle
Quadrilateral Division on Saturday, 7 February 2009. The opening of
the Centre, on Carr Meadow Hey in Bootle, was conducted by The
Worshipful Mayor of Sefton, Councillor Paul Tweed and dedicated to
the memory of Marjory McKay. Taking part in this moving but short
ceremony was the Rector of Liverpool Parish Church and Chaplain to
St John Ambulance Merseyside, Rev. Steven Brookes and Commissioner
of Operations and Director of Ceremonies, Simon Galley. Also in
attendance were members of the Bootle division and representatives
of Marjory's family.
Sally Mason, who is in charge of the Centre,
said:- "We will always remember the dedication and devotion of
Marjory McKay. She was an inspiration to us all."

If you want to find
out more about St John Ambulance and get involved, please visit:- for
more information.

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