Southport Plant, Food & Country Fair 2009

THIS year's
Southport Plant, Food & Country Fair 2009; now in it's second year,
was held at Stanley High School on Fleetwood Road, in Marshside,
Southport. The event was run over the Easter Weekend and was
reasonably well attended, but sadly not as many turned out as was
hoped. The event was fantastic fun for all who did go and well worth
the entrance price. It was held over three days, starting on the
Saturday, 11 April, with had lots to see and do. Each day had lots
of set activities, but also other events took place depending on the
day. Throughout the event, I was taken aback by one display in
particular; a group of young girls performing gymnastics on horses,
with the youngest aged 6 and the oldest 16 years old. All of them
volunteers from the Parkgate Pony Sanctuary. We were informed that
one of the busiest days was Easter Sunday, when the military
vehicles attended. Sadly, we had not been able to make it ourselves.
The photos we display were taken on Saturday and on Easter Bank
Holiday Monday, 13 April 2009.
The event was organised by Town &
Country Fairs and it will not be the only one in this area, this
year. Other shows are being held throughout the North West, see the
organisers website
for more information. This
event was a fantastic start to the Major Event Calendar for
Southport and we hope to see it back next year, bigger and better.

To see more
photographs please see our photographic report for this event by
clicking on