Last days of Southport's Gasometer

THE massive
Gasometer has dominated the landscape for miles around and can be
seen from Wales, Blackpool Tower, The Trough Of Bowland, Winter Hill
and many other areas. This week the enormous structure is to start
decreasing in size as it is demolished. Often dubbed as an eyesore,
it will be interesting to see if many of us in years to come will
miss the fact Southport will not stand out for miles and miles
around... What are your memories about this structure? Email
us to our news room via:-

Marks The Hillsborough Tragedy
surrounding areas in Merseyside are expected to be at a standstill
at exactly 3.06pm GMT on Wednesday, 15 April 2009 to remember those
who lost their lives in the Hillsborough tragedy. Sadly for many of
the families of those who died in the disaster, their fight for
justice goes on.
We would like to hear your views about
this disaster so please email us to
Read a related archived report by clicking on
here. |

WEEK three of
our three-week competition/ticket Give-A-Way... Well done to the
winners of last week's draw. Last week the question was:- "How
many members of the Iron Maiden band are shown in the poster Flight
666 poster..." It was "6"... Thanks to Vue
Cinema Southport we are able to offer yet another chance for you to
get your hands on tickets...
This week we have
another 2 pairs of tickets in our give away! Yes two winners for
this weeks question... Don't forget that this question is your
last chance and it is... "What is the film's Vue Cinema
release date in the UK?"
The rules are simple... Enter your full name, address, phone number
to our email address:-, then
give the answer to this week's easy question. You must be 15 or over
and have ID, should you win, which shows your age. You cannot sell
the tickets on or pass them on, so only enter if you can go! Closing
date and time for this week's answer is 1pm GMT, 21 April 2009.
If you do not manage to win one of our tickets, no problem... you
still have a bit of time to get a ticket. Tickets for Iron Maiden:
Flight 666 are currently on sale and can be purchased,
by calling 08712 240 240 or directly from participating cinemas. But
they are selling fast!
To see our competition in last week's
issue click
Please note that no employees or
family of PBT Media Relations Ltd. PCBT Photography, Vue
Entertainment, Arts Alliance Media, Phantom Music Management, Freud
Communications and EMI Records can enter. The cinema has the right
to reject entry.
Running time:- 112 minutes
Cast:- Iron Maiden Released on:- 21/04/2009
direct information about Southport's screening use this
link. |