record seven up!

Traveline team have been voted the UK’s best travel call centre; for
the seventh year in succession.
It beat 23 other call centres in a “mystery shopper”
survey carried out by the Department for Transport (DfT) testing
speed, friendliness, efficiency and accuracy.
Councillor Mark Dowd, Chair of Merseytravel, said:- “This is
an outstanding record achieved by an outstanding team who work with
dedication and enthusiasm.”
Merseytravel Chief Executive and Director General Neil Scales said:-
“To have received this accolade for seven years straight is a
magnificent achievement and one of which we can be very proud.”
Tim Partington, who heads the 17 strong team said:- “We have
sophisticated equipment which can tell you exactly how to get from
your front door to anywhere in the UK, but its enthusiasm and the
personal touch of our team that makes the difference.”
Traveline Merseyside is open 364 days per year giving detailed
travel information for Merseyside, Halton and Widnes. The service
has now also been expanded to help with queries for travel across
the Northwest, including Cheshire, Manchester, Lancashire and
The Traveline Merseyside number is 0871 200 22 33 and it is
available between 7am and 8pm on Mondays to Fridays and 8am to 8pm
on Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays.
New Garden at Ormskirk

visitors to Ormskirk & District General Hospital may have noticed a
change recently outside the main entrance as the garden area has
been given a complete makeover.
Audrey Stuart, who
manages the hospital shop, explains how this came about:- "I
have often noticed groups of people stood around waiting for taxis
or to be picked up and thought we could do with some more seating in
the area near the main entrance.
I spoke to the
facilities department and we decided the area just outside the main
entrance could be used.
It was cleared of most of the old
plants that were there and a new patio area was laid with four
benches for people to sit on and new plants were planted to brighten
the area.
The £8.000
needed to pay for it came from the hospital shop and the work was
done by Lady Green Nurseries in Formby.
Since it was
done I have noticed lots of people using the benches, so it seems to
be appreciated." |

PEOPLE tempted
to ride off-road bikes illegally in the Crankwood area of Leigh are
being warned to think again. Police and councillors have received a
large number of calls from local residents concerning groups of
young people riding motorcycles on the old tip site. Officers say
riders are bringing van loads of off-road bikes, scooters and 4 x 4
vehicles from as far as Liverpool to use at weekends or when the
weather is good, often creating excessive noise and leaving roads
covered in mud. To tackle the problem, police are stopping vans to
check if their insurance policies cover transporting vehicles, and
Greater Manchester Police’s off-road motorcycle unit will be
targeting nuisance riders for at least the next three months. Last
week the team seized three bikes and issued five warning notices to
those riding without insurance. If they are caught using the bikes
again the vehicles will be seized and riders prosecuted for any
offences that may have been committed.

Inspector Ian Kennedy of the Leigh
Neighbourhood Policing Team said:- “Secure fencing around the
old tip has recently been damaged again by vehicles attempting to
gain access, and we are now looking at CCTV to try to identify
offenders. My officers will continue to work with both the council
and site owners Peel Holdings to stop the illegal use of off-road
vehicles, an activity that causes much disruption to local
To contact the Leigh Neighbourhood
Policing Team call:- 0161 856 7225 or email:-
leigh.apt@gmp.police.uk. For non-emergency calls or
to report crime call police on:- 0161 872 5050 or for more
information visit
Alternatively, call Crimestoppers anonymously on:- 0800 555 111.
Police across Wigan borough are now working towards delivering the
Policing Pledge, giving people a clear minimum standard of service
they can expect from their Neighbourhood Policing Teams. They are
asking residents for their input to ensure that the service is
focused on the needs of local communities and addresses the issues
that matter most to people. Find out more at:-
Donation of garden
furniture to spinal injuries centre
PATIENTS and staff at the North
West Regional Spinal Injuries Centre are hoping the good weather
will continue throughout the summer following a donation from
Paymentshield Ltd of Southport.
Last year staff from Paymentshield and from Southport & Ormskirk
Hospital NHS Trust held a football match at Southport FC's ground at
Haig Avenue to raise money for the Centre. Around £1,500 was raised
and Paymentshield were able to purchase an awning for the barbeque,
a bench specifically for people with spinal injuries and a sun
umbrella which opens up to cover four or five people in wheelchairs
at any one time. These are all for the courtyard at the Centre,
where patients can sit with their relatives, friends and staff.
Dr Clive Glass, Clinical Director for the Centre, commented:-
"We are particularly grateful to the staff at Paymentshield for all
their hard work in raising money for the centre. As you can see from
the photographs the money has been able to buy bespoke furniture for
our quadrangle which will be put to good use during the summer
months, avoiding heavy suntans!"
There will be another football match on Tuesday, 5 May 2009, again
at Haig Avenue; doors open 6.30pm with the kick off 7 pm.
Adults £2 - Children £1 with all the money raised going again to the
Spinal Injuries Centre. Everyone is welcome. |