George’s Parade

FORMBY Cubs, Scouts
and Beavers all joined up to parade through Formby village on
Sunday, 26 April 2009. The parade formed under a dull sky, but just
as they moved off the sun came out. With the Marshside Band leading
the way, the parade snaked through the village from Duke Street Park
and up to the Cross House Pub, and then into the Village, ending at
Holy Trinity Church for a service. As this annual parade is to mark
St George’s Day, the 1st Formby, as they are celebrating 100 years
this year, took the lead with a large dragon made by the children
themselves. Also, following just behind, were the 1st Formby
Beavers, who dressed and marched as knights. Well done to all of the
groups who took part, celebrating our patron St of England. It is a
shame that adults don't do this as well.

Click on
here now
to see more photographs from this event...
Did you know?
Interestingly this
the Scout Association has revealed the continuing popularity of the
Movement, with 15,000 additional members joining in the last year.
On Merseyside there are now over 1300 adult and 6400 youth members
across the county, forming 144 Groups of Beaver Scouts, Cub Scouts,
Scouts and Explorer Scouts. Merseyside has seen a 7% growth in
female membership (and a 15% growth in female membership over 2
years) and an overall increase of 1%. Also adult volunteering has
grown by 1% with a massive 42% of all adult leadership female. The
figgers for Mersyside are as follows:- "Fairfield + 8%;* Wallasey +
7%; Allerton +6%; Bebington +4%; Formby +2%; Birkenhead + 1%;
Southport +1% and the West Wirral +1%. A full report
about this increase in youth members will be run in next weeks
issue, and will be sent out on our Email News Bulitin Service later
on 29 April 2009.
Stroll Morecambe Bay for Marie Curie
invited to join Marie Curie Cancer Care and stroll across the sands
of Morecambe Bay. The eight-mile walk from Arnside to Kents Bank is
being held on Saturday, 30 May 2009. The three to four hour event
will be escorted by the Queen’s Guide to the Sands, Cedric Robinson,
and will start at 10.15am. There will be a bus laid on to take
people to the start site so walkers must register in advance. All
funds raised from the sponsored walk will be used to provide free
nursing care for terminally ill cancer patients in the area who
choose to stay in the comfort of their own home. Lyn Fenton,
Community Fundraising Manager for the area, said:- “This event
has been run by the charity for many years and always proves very
popular. Numbers on the walk are limited so people interested in
talking part should register quickly.” For every £20 raised
by the charity, which is campaigning for all terminally ill cancer
patients to be able to make the choice to be cared for at home, an
hour of quality nursing care can be provided for patients. Lyn
said:- “The more our walkers raise through sponsorship, the
more nursing hours we can provide in their area”
Please contact the
Lancashire fundraising office on:- 01772 749797 for a registration
form or you can also email them via:-