SCAM:- "Internal Revenue Service Notification"

businesses have just had this email sent to them:- "After the
last annual calculations of your fiscal activity we have determined
that you are eligible to receive a tax refund under section 501(c)
(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Tax refund value is $189.60.
Please submit the tax refund request and allow us 6-9 days in order
to IWP the data received. If u don't receive your refund within 9
business days from the original IRS mailing date shown, you can
start a refund trace online.
If you distribute funds to other organization, your records must
show weather they are exempt under section 497 (c) (15). In cases
where the recipient org. is not exempt under section 497 (c) (15),
you must have evidence the funds will be used for section 497 (c)
(15) purposes.
If you distribute fund to individuals, you should keep case
histories showing the recipient's name and address; the purpose of
the award; the maner of section; and the realtionship of the
recipient to any of your officers, directors, trustees, members, or
major contributors.
To access the form for your tax refund, please click here
This notification has been sent by the Internal Revenue Service, a
bureau of the Department of the Treasury.
Sincerely Yours,
John Stewart
Director, Exempt. Organization
Rulings and Agreements Letter
Internal Revenue Service"

The email comes from but that is not the correct
address. The link goes to Trading
Standards have been contacted in the UK and in the USA. This email
follows one purporting to be from the Inland Revenue a few days
back, that some businesses have told us about. This one
how ever is a lot easier to spot as a fake, as why would we have the
IRS contacting us in the UK?

If you get them,
delete them and inform Trading Standards. Always check before
supplying information. If you want more information about this type
of scam you can
email us to and we will send out a help
file to you. |
MEPs’ expenses
WITH the
imminence of the European Parliament elections on 4 June 2009, and
the recent news on expenses of Westminster MPs, attention is now
being given to MEPs’ expenses. Following a long campaign, a common
salary for all MEPs was finally agreed on, by all EU governments and
by the European Parliament, to start immediately following this
year’s election. Henceforward MEPs will be paid a common salary of €
7,665 a month (ca. €92,000) before tax. Simon Duffin
from the UK European Parliament Office has contacted us after
spotting several common errors in National press and thought he
should corrected them:- "I thing it only correct
to let people know the true information about MEP's before the
elections. So these are a few bits of information that will help
your readers to know the correct information:-
• The salary is expressed in euro, not in pounds and when agreed was
approximately the same as the current UK MPs salary. It has
apparently risen recently only because of the decline of the pound
against the euro. If in future the euro depreciates against the
pound, the salary in pounds will reduce.
• The salary will be taxed at EU rates, which rise to 45% at the
margin, somewhat higher than current UK rates. Moreover, the British
Government has decided that UK MEPs should pay the same tax as UK
taxpayers, and will levy any additional tax required to bring them
up to that level.
• In parallel with the introduction of the common salary, the travel
expenses regime has been reformed, and as from July 2009 MEPs’
travel expenses will be reimbursed on the basis of receipts.
• The European Parliament has banned the practice, common in the
House of Commons, of employing relatives as assistants. Family
members already employed by MEPs will be able to continue until
2014, but no new contracts for relatives will be allowed from July
• Assistants in future will be employed as temporary officials of
the institution, and the MEP will choose the person, but will have
no financial relationship with them.
• MEPs do not benefit from a Second Home allowance or “John Lewis
list”. Instead they receive a per diem allowance, currently €298,
which is intended to cover costs of accommodation, meals and local
transport while in Brussels or Strasbourg.
• MEPs receive a flat-rate allowance of € 4200 per month to cover
the cost of running an office in their constituency, including
postage, stationery, telephones, computers, subscriptions, heat and
light, and travel within the constituency and the Member State,
roughly on a par with the allowances for MPs. Receipts are not
• MEPs do not receive the following other Westminster allowances:
travel for the family to the place of work; free trips to
parliaments in other European Member States.
• Pension fund:- this is now closed to further members, and will
gradually phase out as existing members pass away. Steps have been
taken to avoid any need for additional funding.
• Transitional allowances are much the same as for Westminster MPs
or if anything a little less generous.
I hope this is of help to your readers. and thank you for your
Police on Wednesday, 27 May 2009, have charged two women with
attempting to pervert the course of justice in relation to the
murder of David Garrity.
Nicola Jane Occleston, 23, of Renwick Road, Walton Vale and Toni Zoi
McCall, 21, of Worcester Road, Bootle have both charged and have
been given conditional Bail to appear at Liverpool City Magistrates
Court on 12 June 2009.
Mr Garrity, aged 32, from Kirkdale, was shot dead just before 3am on
Sunday, 15 June 2008, as he cycled along Stanley Road in Liverpool. |