and Formby CHC AGM
The Annual General Meeting of Southport and Formby Community Health Council
to be held on 23rd July 2002 at 7.15pm (53 Hoghton Street, Southport,
- 1. Early Intervention Team;
Mental Health; presentation by Ian Wright, Specialist Practitioner for Early Intervention in Psychosis, Mersey Care Trust
- 2. Apologies..
- 3. Minutes of Previous AGM Meeting held on:
24th July 2001
4. Matters Arising from Minutes of Previous AGM Meeting:
5. Chairman's Announcements:
6. Biennial Report:
7. Standing Orders: (attached A cream)
8. Standing Financial Instructions: (attached Byreen)
9. Meeting Dates 2002 / 2003
10. Verbal Reports:-
- a) Access Advisory 6roup Mary Pointon
b) Cancer Services Rita Goodman
c) Doctor Patient Partnership Pat Starkey
d) district Health Authority John Holden Pat Starkey
e) Ethics Committee Mary Pointon
f) Maternity Services Liaison 6roup Chief Officer
- g)
Mersey Care Trust Chief Officer
h) Mersey Passenqer Transport Group Lou Simans
i) Oral Health Strategy Group Kathy Taphouse
j) Patient Transport Services Lou Simans
k) Pharmaceutical Committee Mary Pointon
1) Primary Care Trust (PCT) Pat Starkey
m) Southport d Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust John Holden
n) Southport & Ormskirk Clinical Governance Chief Officer
o) North Sefton & West Lancashire Pat Starkey community NHS Trust
p) Specialist Smoking Cessation Group Veronica Webster
- 11. CHC Working Groups:-
- a) Acute
b) Primary Care
12. Appointment of Chair and Vice Chair
13. Election of Officers: (To be rolled over)
14. Urgent Business...
15. Date of Next Meeting: Tuesday 17th September 2002
- Please
- Meeting Procedures
1. Members of the public attend meetings as observers and only have speaking rights at the
invitation of the Chairman.
2. CHC members should always address the meeting through the Chair by indicating their wish to
speak and then waiting to be called.
3. Members should be succinct to avoid repeating their
statement/questions so that the meeting can progress at a steady pace.
4. Members should remember that Southport and Formby CHC is concerned primarily with local
healthcare and that news items from other areas are frequently not relevant.
5. Members should refrain from discussing items with one another when other people are
Your assistance in these matters is appreciated.
AGM information.