OVER the days
27 and 28 June 2009, Victoria Park, Southport, will be buzzing with
lots of activities as there will be two fantastic events. On
Saturday, the 27, the Southport Champion Charity Carnival with 30
floats and over 1,000 helpers will process down Lord Street and
finish at the world famous Victoria Park, to start off the weekend’s
activities for Armed Forces Day, on Sunday the 28. All is FREE as
well! On top of the Carnival on Lord Street, also on Saturday, a
Parade will take place from London Street to the Cenotaph starting
at 10:30am. Then on Sunday, the main event will take place on the
Victoria Park with lots of amazing activities and things to see!
here to see more information on the
vents advert page. Click here
here to see last years Forces Day
event report.
Faces Legal Action
THE British
National Party (BNP) on 23 June 2009, dismissed threats of legal
action over, its membership policies, made by the Equality and Human
Rights Commission.
These allegations
follow the European Parliament elections, held on 4 June 2009, when
the BNP won their first two MEPs seats. BNP leader, Nick Griffin,
said the party's rules were "entirely legal" yet the
Commission has been asked if they comply with the Race Relations
Act. The commission said it had written to the party over possible
breaches of the law in the BNP's constitution, membership rules and
recruitment. The BNP party's rules appeared to restrict membership
to those within what the BNP regarded as particular "ethnic
groups". It also appeared to discriminate on the grounds of
race and colour, in breach of the Race Relations Act, the Commission
told the media.
The Commission
have also added that the BNP's website asked job
applicants to supply a membership number, which appeared to be in
breach of legislation banning the "refusal or deliberate
omission to offer employment on the basis of non-membership of an
organisation". The statement sent to national media outlets
concluded with the following:- "The commission is therefore
concerned that the BNP may have acted, and be acting, illegally."
If the BNP is found not to comply with the Race Relations Act by 20
July 2009, they then face a potential legal injunction. Mr Griffin,
who was, himself, elected as an MEP for BNP for the NorthWest, told
the media that BNP was an exempted organisation under Section 25 and
Section 26 of the Race Relations Act.
On Monday, 29 June
2009, the Department for Children, Schools and Families said it was
considering banning teachers in England from joining the BNP.
However, as the BNP is not a proscribed organisation, is such an
action well advised?
Does it not establish a dangerous
Despite the repugnance many, many people
might feel towards this party, is it not better to challenge their
policies with reasoned arguments rather than by blind reactions?
Email us your views on this issue to our news room via:-