Specials Confirmed To Open Liverpool Music Week 2009
AS families
prepare for the six week Summer break, Southport youngsters are
being urged to Wrap, Splat and Hat, as a survey by Garnier Ambre
Solaire reveals that parents are putting their children’s health in
danger when it comes to sun protection.
With 11%** of people in the North West admitting to never wearing
sun protection, Garnier Ambre Solaire’s School Sun Awareness Scheme
aims to help youngsters remember the three important steps to sun
protection: wrap up with a t-shirt, splat on some sun screen, and
put on a hat.
Having questioned1000 British adults*, 11%** of people in the North
West admitted to never wearing sun protection, 18%** of whom simply
can’t be bothered. 24%** of adults also said that they do not apply
sun protection when on the beach abroad - a startling statistic
given that recent media reports have highlighted that cases of
serious sun related illness have quadrupled in 30 years.
People in the North West are not only putting their own skin at risk
either. A worrying 44%1** of respondents said that they never use
sun protection on their children, despite youngsters being the most
vulnerable to sun damage. Over 59%** admitted to not applying sun
protection to their children before they go out to play during the
summer in the UK, which is shocking given the strength of the UK
sun, especially this year with more families opting for
‘stay-cations’ in the UK rather than going abroad.
Julie McManus, Scientific Advisor, Garnier Ambre Solaire said:-
“This research suggests that people in the North West are still
taking huge risks when it comes to sun protection, and this is
particularly worrying as we enter school holiday time. Taking proper
care of your own and your children’s skin in the sun should be part
of people’s everyday routine. We know that some people dislike
certain textures of sun protection, which is why we offer a broad
range of products to suit all skin types.”
Fully supporting the national curriculum, the packs are designed as
a fun way to get an important message across and include lesson
plans, activities and PE games. Key facts in the packs have been
supplied by the British Skin Foundation.
Garnier Ambre Solaire products offer photostable UV protection for
reliable protection in the sun and that suit all skin types.
Other survey results revealed that:-
* Only 25%** of people apply sun protection everyday during summer
in the UK
* 33% of 16 to 24 year olds in the UK can’t be bothered to apply sun
* 67% also said that they would be persuaded to use sun protection
by statistics linking sun protection to health risks.
* Despite the trend for glowing skin and bronzed celebrities, the
research revealed that 76% do not covet an all year round suntan.
* Only 9% of respondents said they would use a sun bed to achieve a
suntan. But the percentage figure cited is the opinion of people
interviewed only.
What does SPF mean?
The Sun Protection Factor, SPF, of a sun screen, is the amount of
protection given against burning. For example, SPF15 means that the
sunscreen, when applied correctly, reduces the burning effect of the
sun by 15 times, so it takes 15 times longer than the skin without
any sun protection to burn.
What does
Photostability mean?
If a sun protection product is not photostable, the actual
protection provided can decrease with sun exposure. So the
protection you’re getting may be lower than you think. Garnier Ambre
Solaire sun protection products are photostable. The patented
photostable filters don’t break down in the sun. So the protection
you’re promised…is the protection you get. Meaning you and your
family can enjoy time in the sun, knowing that you’re protected
* The survey was conducted by NOP in May 2009 and questioned 1003
adults living in the UK (487 men and 516 women).
* 1 495 respondents of the NOP survey have children (225 men and 270
* 2 805 respondents of the NOP survey use sun protection (367 men
and 438 women).
Top tips for sun safety
British Skin Foundation Expert Dermatologist, Dr Jennifer Jones,
recommends the following top tips for safety in the sun:-
· Keep an eye on the time; spend time in the shade during peak hours
(11am-3pm in the UK) when the sun is at its most intense. Nb. This
time may vary if you abroad
· At home and abroad, try to make sure that children play in the
· Keep babies out of direct sunlight and protect toddlers and
children with sunscreen, clothing and shade
· Wear protective clothing, a hat, and sunglasses
· Use an SPF suitable to your skin type, we recommend a minimum of
SPF30 for children and a minimum of SPF15 for adults
· Apply sun protection generously all over the body before sun
· Reapply frequently and generously, at least every 2 hours,
especially after swimming, perspiring, playing in the sand and after
· Always apply a product that has provides Photostable UVA and UVB
protection for the most reliable sun protection
· Over-exposure to the sun is a serious health hazard
For more sun safety information, visit:-
Police are investigating an incident at a house on Exford Road, West
Officers attended the property just before 1am on Tuesday, 21 July
2009, following reports of an assault.
A 56 year old man, believed to be the occupant of the house, was
taken to hospital with a graze to his head and a deep cut on his
arm. His injuries are not life threatening.
It is believed that the assault occurred after three men dressed in
dark clothing broke in to the house.
Officers would like to hear from anyone who may have seen three men
in the area at the time, or who has any other information which
could help them with their enquiries.
Anyone with
information should contact Lower Lane CID on:- 0151 777 4563, or
Crimestoppers anonymously on:- 0800 555 111. |

now on sale for this year’s Southport Flower Show (20 August to 23
August 2009).
Now celebrating its 80th year, the Southport Flower Show continues
to be a highlight of the horticultural calendar.

This year will see a
fine food offering, with local suppliers from across the North West
of England offering everything from cheese, pickles and preserves to
locally produced wine. Chefs will be on hand with live
demonstrations to show visitors how to make the most of their

In recognition of the
increasing number of people using their garden to grow herbs, fruit
and vegetables, the allotment society will be hosting a special
garden with hints and tips on growing your own.

Meanwhile, gardening
enthusiasts can enjoy up to a million blooms that will be on display
and take in the floral competition which attracts hundreds of
entries each year.

More than 250
exhibitors will take over 34 acres of Southport’s beautiful Victoria
Park, offering everything from home and garden furniture to local
arts and crafts.

Visitors are invited
to browse the Herboretum for advice on how herbs can play a greater
part in their life, from cooking to medicinal purposes.
A honey expert will be on hand in the honey marquee with tips on how
gardeners can play a part in saving endangered honeybees.

Entertainment will
include live music, arena displays and appearances from some of the
country’s favourite celebrity gardeners, who will be offering
visitors advice on creating their own show-stopping garden.

The Southport Flower
Show promises to be a perfect day out for the family, with something
for everyone and free entry for under 16s. For further
information and to order tickets for the Southport Flower Show 2009,
visit:- or
call:- 0844 847 1555. |