Liverpool Carnival '09

IT was on last Saturday, 1 August
2009 that the Liverpool Carnival Company Presented, in Liverpool,
its second Samba Carnival run by the Liverpool Carnival Company.
This was a resplendent, noisy and colourful parade, which was much
appreciated by the crowd lined City streets.
It started ,on time, on a cool, dry, late but windy evening. There
were several floats, which were splendidly decorated; however,
sadly, some other gorgeous floats could not take part due to the
wind. The sculptures on the mobile floats were beautiful and in
keeping with the theme.
The spectators joined in the fun of the event taking pictures,
dancing and generally swayed to the various bands' samba beat. One
of the spectators was heard to remark that it was a grand show, but
he was just getting into the rhythm of it and it had all passed by.
That was the only sad thing about it, for it seemed to be much
smaller in length than last year's, yet there were more performers
taking part. One of the scantily dressed performers was heard to
say, as she passed the bombed out church, "Oh I'm so cold!"
Yes, the costumes were fabulous and exciting to the eye.
Those taking part, kept going with their spirited gyrations;
amazingly, they managed to last the twisting, up and down hilly
route from Cambridge Road to the Chinese Arch.
Many people were saying that they would come again to see it next
year. Lets hope 2010 it is as warm as it was in 2008,
unlike this year!
Well done all those who took part, and well done the Merseyside
Police and Paramount Security in the way they kept the
non-participating traffic moving. 'Thank you' who
planned and organised the event, it was most enjoyable.
Video footage of the event will be
uploaded very soon to our
Southport.TV website, so keep any
eye on it! Also it will have a few more photographs on it!


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