MERSEYSIDE Police are appealing for anyone who may have
information about the murder of Danny Regan in Haydock nearly seven
years ago to come forward.
The appeal comes prior to a showing of a film about Danny's mum, Pat
Regan, who died tragically last year.
Following Danny's murder Pat's loss spurred her on to become
involved in anti guncrime campaigns at a national level and she also
became involved in education programmes in schools warning children
about the consequences of becoming involved in gangs and using guns.
On a visit to Downing Street Pat worked with a production company
who filmed her on her journey and talked to her about her campaign.
The film, "From the Heart", has now been finished and
will be shown for the first time on Tuesday, 29 September, 2009, at
All Hallows Church, 24 Regents Terrace, Leeds, between 7pm and 9pm.
The film is 15 minutes long and there will be three showings of the
film during this time. It is hoped that it will be used in schools
to deter young people from becoming involved in gun and violent
Pat's son Danny, 25 years, was found shot dead at his home in
Station Road, Haydock, St Helens, on Sunday 15 December, 2002.
Police believe that at about 7pm on Thursday 12 December 2002, a
gunman entered Danny's house via the conservatory, armed with either
a semi-automatic or pump-action shotgun. A number of shots were
fired one of which hit Danny, causing him fatal injuries.
Danny, a father of two, was originally from Leeds but also spent a
lot of time in the Sheffield area, where he socialised. He had lived
in Haydock for about 12 months before his death.
The extensive police investigation into Danny's murder has so far
not led to his killer. Detectives are calling for anyone with
information which could help the inquiry to come forward.
Pat's son Shane Fenton, has reiterated his mum's pleas for justice.
He said:- "Every year we as a family feel the pain of not
knowing who killed our brother Danny. As far as we know the person
who killed him could still be out there, but we will forgive this
person. it is not for us to judge, but we do need to see justice
done for Danny. I would urge anyone who has a heart and can help the
police to bring those responsible to justice to do so.
Danny had a heart like our mum, Pat Regan. After Danny was murdered
she worked hard with young people to help them understand the
dangers of being involved in gangs and selling drugs. She didn't
want other families to suffer the way we did and wanted to show
young people how easy it is to go down the wrong path. She also
worked with Mothers Against Violence fighting or justice for her
son. The loss of a child is hard to come to terms with and it was
soul destroying for my mum. Sadly, she passed away last year and was
not able to see justice done.
From Her Heart is a wonderfully honest and candid explanation of the
person who was our mum. I urge anyone who has information about
guncrime to do their bit, to carry on her work and help our
communities be better places. And hopefully someone will come
forward with information which will find the justice my mum sought
after Danny's death."
Detective Superintendent Mike Shaw, said:- "Mrs Regan worked
tirelessly following her son's death in a bid to stop others from
the agonising experience that she and her family had endured. She
was recognised nationally for the work she carried out and she
should be remembered for her determination in trying to stop others
from becoming involved in guncrime.
From Her Heart means that the work Pat carried out will not be in
vain and through the film her desire to prevent young people
becoming involved in guncrime will live on and hopefully put some
young people on to the right track.
Danny's death had a profound effect on Pat and she always said that
she would not rest until those who killed her son were brought to
Our commitment to tracing those who murdered Danny remains. I would
appeal to anyone who might not have already come forward with
information to contact us. We believe that Danny had connections in
both Yorkshire, particularly the Leeds area, and Merseyside and I
would appeal to anyone who may have information...."
" either of
these areas, which could help us with our inquiries to contact us.
This was a cold-blooded murder, which has left a family devastated
and children without a father. I would urge anyone who has
information to help us find those who killed Danny and put them
before the courts. If anyone has information, but is worried about
coming forward I'd like to take this opportunity to reassure them
that there are special measures that can be put in place to protect
witnesses in serious cases such as this."
Just six months before she died, Danny's mum, Pat, made this
emotional appeal:- "It's still so hard to face the idea that
my son is never coming home, and all of our family misses him
Since Danny's death it has been like a living nightmare and it won't
go away until justice is done. I can't move on until the person, or
people, responsible for Danny's death is found.
I know that Danny's lifestyle may have led to his death and some of
the things he did were wrong. But he wasn't an evil person and
didn't deserve to die like this. Danny was a very loving son and
father and I will not stop until the person, or people , who did
this to Danny are found.
I'd like to thank all those who have supported our family in the
last five years. And I would urge anyone who knows anything that
could help the investigation to come forward. Please think of our
family - of Danny's children - and help us begin to find some sort
of peace following his death."

Detectives in Merseyside are still
following up a number of lines of inquiry. They are still:-
1. Trying to find the gun used to kill Danny and officers
2. They would like to speak to anyone who has any information about
the weapon used.

3. They are trying to trace a man seen
near to Danny's home on Thursday, 12 December 2002. An e-fit of a
man has also been put together and officers believe this man may
hold valuable information about the events leading up to the
shooting Police have previously appealed for information about a
silver or grey Rover car, registration number J609 MBU which had
been stolen from the Manchester area on Thursday 12 December 2002
and was later found burnt out on Station Road, Haydock. Detectives
are keen to speak to anyone who may have seen this car, or anyone
acting suspiciously in or around Station Road, Haydock, between the
12 December to 15 December 2002 to come forward.
Anybody with any information should contact Crimestoppers on:- 0800
555 111. |