Ringmaster message from Sefton Crime Prevention office and Home

AT this time
of the year expensive property is to be found in houses as residents
start to buy Christmas presents. It is suggested that extra
precautions are taken to ensure your property is secure. Also to be
aware when you are out and about
extra care is taken with credit cards, purses and wallets.
Helpful hints to think about to enjoy the festive season and not
giving the criminals an opportunity of extra Christmas presents at
your expense:-
* When shopping be mindful that pickpockets may be about. While you
are concentrating on choosing a present take extra care with your
wallets and purses.
* In car parks be aware of anyone who is taking particular notice
when you are putting your shopping in the car, if you intend to
leave your vehicle unattended as you continue your shopping.
* Don't leave anything on view in your car and remember to ensure
your Sat Nav is removed.
* At home close the curtains when you put the light on so passers by
cannot see inside your property
* Ensure all doors are securely locked even when you are at home.

In the period 1
November to 15 November 2009 there have been six burglaries in:-
Brompton Road Insecure door
Virginia Street Insecure door
Windsor Road Insecure door
Burglaries have also taken place in Chestnut Street, Scott Street
and Poplar Street.
been identified as Merseyside’s top Home Energy Hotspot, according
to new research released today by E.ON, one of the UK’s leading
energy companies. Homes in the town spend an average 12% more, or
£142 per year1, on energy than the average UK home.
At the other end of the scale Bootle has one of the lowest energy
consumptions in Merseyside, spending on average £223 less on annual
electricity and gas bills than Southport residents.
Liverpool features in the top 25 Home Energy Hotspots list2 and
although residents annually spend £127 less than people in Southport
for electricity and gas, they are, on average, spending £86 more
than people in Manchester1.
However, E.ON believes that there are simple steps that people can
take to ensure that they aren’t using and spending more than they
need to.
The research coincides with the launch of E.ON’s ‘Winter
Advice Bureau’ which is hitting the road throughout November
to offer people face-to-face help and guidance on how they could
lower their energy bills during the winter period. The ‘E.ON home’
will be visiting Liverpool ONE on the 19 November 2009 and 20
November 2009.
E.ON’s Winter Energy Advisers will be on hand to offer advice on how
to help cut wastage, highlight the cost of energy in the home and
provide advice on products and tariffs such as WinterGas,
guaranteeing customers cheapest gas bills this winter3.
Kevin Bryant from E.ON, said:- “As the weather in Merseyside
would not vary greatly from town to town, the main reason for these
differences in usage would be house age, house size, number of
occupants and behaviours, with the help of our Winter Advice Bureau
we’re confident that we can offer help that could make a real
difference to people in Merseyside. The colder winter temperatures
and darker nights inevitably lead to people using more energy, which
is why we’re offering face-to-face advice to anyone who is concerned
about how much they’re using. We also want to make sure that people
are on the right tariffs, and that vulnerable customers are aware of
the additional support available to them.”
E.ON’s Winter Energy Advisers will be joined by local Age Concern
Liverpool representatives at the events to offer guidance
on the energy needs of older people.
In order to help as many people as possible the Winter Advice Bureau
is also be available