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Issue:- 18/19 November 2009


THE average British family argues for nearly 4 DAYS every year, according to new research.  Mum, dad and the kids have at least 3 disagreements a day, and each lasts up to 5 minutes.  That’s a staggering 1,095 arguments over the course of 1 year, lasting for 91.25 hours or 3 days and 19 hours.

The most common arguments are about household chores, kids treating the house like a hotel and taking each other for granted.  But the whole family agree that it is MUM who usually starts the arguments, mum who shouts the loudest during the arguments, and mum who sulks the most when the arguments have finished.  The daughter of the family is most likely to slam doors during an argument, and dad is the one who is likely to go for a drive to cool off when everything has settled down.

The poll of 3,000 families, conducted by world family database reveals that a 5th regularly argue about being unable to find something in the house.  And the 5th most heard argument is about what to watch on TV – with mum opting for soap operas, dad wanting sport or documentaries and the kids wanting to watch movies or reality television.  15% of families can never decide whose turn it is to wash up, and 14% fight about who can use the communal computer.  And the telephone bill causes a heated debate once a month for 13% of families – as mum and dad realise how many phone calls their children have been making to their mates.  Teenagers filling the house with loud music and arguments over homework complete the top 10 family arguments.

Mark De Netto, spokesman for Uinvue said:- “‘The findings reflect common themes when it comes to arguments within the family which have remained unchanged over the past few decades, with the majority of arguments lasting a few minutes only.  It was interesting to note that mum still seems to play the pivotal role within the family however the results do show that dads are getting far more involved in family issues than the generations previously.  Although arguments are a common factor in all families our results show that they play a vital role in building and strengthening bonds within the family and act as a release valve for family members, so minor arguments do play a positive role in family life.  However at Uinvue we still think it is worth while counting slowly to ten sometimes.”

Other arguments to appear in the top 20 list include parents being treated like the Bank of England as their kids constantly ask for money, and people spending too long in the bathroom.  Kids bedtimes, unloading the dishwasher and decisions about meal time all causes disputes between the whole family.  Interestingly, 1 in 10 families polled claim they are not speaking at the moment, following an argument.  But 2/3rds of respondents believe family arguments are healthy and should be expected when living in such close proximity to the people you know the best.  And 85% of people agree it is best to get everything out in the open so that all family members know exactly how everyone is feeling.


1. Household chores
2. Treating the house like a hotel
3. Taking each other for granted
4. Being unable to find something in the house
5. What to watch on TV
6. Whose turn it is to wash up
7. Whose turn it is to go on the computer
8. The cost of the telephone bill
9. Loud music
10. Homework
11. Constantly being asked for money
12. Bad driving
13. Where the remote control is
14. What to have for tea
15. Putting an empty juice / milk carton back in the fridge
16. What time the children should go to bed
17. Never ending sport on TV
18. People spending too long in the bathroom
19. What time teenagers should be back
20. Who should empty the dishwasher

Pupils discuss beating the cyber-bullies

YOUNG people debated the issue of cyber bullying at Liverpool Town Hall on Wednesday, 18 November 2009. It forms part of a comprehensive week of activities taking place in the city as part of national anti-bullying week.   The event, which was opened by Lord Mayor, Councillor Mike Storey, includes presentations, workshops and discussions. The days events where led by members of the Upper and Lower Houses of Liverpool Schools’ Parliament and School Council.  It is estimated that 20 percent of young people have suffered abuse anonymously on the internet through social networking sites or forums.

Before the event Councillor Keith Turner, executive member for education, said:- “It is absolutely vital we provide the right level of support and assistance to our young people who suffer bullying, so that they know where to turn for help. There are so many different ways of communicating now that bullying is no longer just taking place on the school yard, but is also happening at home anonymously through computers or via text messages on mobile phones.”

The city council is also supporting a play called Love Hurts which explores the different forms of physical and psychological bullying. It is being performed at Knotty Ash Youth Centre and St Margaret’s High School later this week.

Prime Minister of Liverpool Schools’ Parliament, 17 year-old Gabriella Holmes, said:- “As a group of young people, we take bullying very seriously as we believe that everybody is different and individual. Though the work of this week is important, it should not only last for one week but continue throughout the year, keeping young people safe and secure from harm.”

Stuart Smith, Liverpool’s executive director for children, schools and families, said:- “As a community, we all – collectively and individually – have a responsibility for challenging any form of bullying every day and every week of the year. This event gives us the opportunity to hear the views of young people about how they think the issue can be tackled which will help influence the advice and support that we give.”


MEP Chris Davies is calling for British troops to be pulled off the frontline in Afghanistan. He says he is no longer convinced by the justifications given for their presence.

The Liberal Democrat has written to his party leader, Nick Clegg, saying that military action can only be approved when the objective is clear and that this is far from the case in Afghanistan. Instead he is calling for NATO to talk with the Taliban, to press for a power-sharing agreement, and to use money as a tool to try and buy influence and curb abuses.

"I do not believe that our continuing presence in Afghanistan is making the streets of Britain any safer," said Davies. "Al-Qaida has left and it is too easy for us now to be portrayed as an occupying force in a foreign land, fighting for one side in a civil war, and seeking to impose our cultural beliefs on others. This rallies radical Muslim men to the Taliban cause."

With expectations high that more troops will soon be sent to Afghanistan to help in a campaign "surge", the MEP warns that even if the Taliban are pushed back they may not be defeated.

"This is guerilla warfare. Taliban commanders can withdraw to fight another day. Local fighters can cut their beards, bury their weapons, and reappear as hard working farmers, which is what they indeed may be. But the weapons can one day be dug up again."

The MEP says that the extent of corruption and fraud in the recent elections had proved the final straw. "I detest the Taliban and its treatment of women, but I am not convinced that British soldiers should die or be maimed to support a bunch of corrupt war lords who care not a jot for human rights.  If ever we should claim "success," how will we know if it has any meaning?"

Davies claims that if Britain is to be made safer it needs to address the causes of grievance that arouses anger amongst many Muslims. He believes that the war in Iraq did great damage, that the campaign in Afghanistan may do the same, and that the anger of Muslim's against the failure to challenge the injustice experienced by Palestinians is too often underestimated.

"We have got ourselves stuck up a blind alley in Afghanistan, and we need to get out as soon as possible.  More than 200 British soldiers have already been killed, and many more grievously wounded. Let us not have more soldiers killed because politicians are too unwilling to lose face, or too embarrassed to admit that lives have been lost in vain." claimed the MEP.

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Be Prepared - Christmas Post

SOUTHPORT’S Christmas Post Scout Post was launched this week.    Mr. Lawrence told us that:-  “This year we're trying to raise money for a District Mini Bus and this is one of our ways to fund raise.   The Post Boxes are going out to all the shops we've managed to get on board, the shops will be listed on the back of the flyers we're producing.  The last collection of the post being noon on Saturday, 12 December 2009.  We're asking for a minimum donation of 20p for each card and the public will be put on trust to put the right money into the post box with their cards.  So please do support us as the movement provides a huge amount of support for local children. " 

To find out more information about the Cub Scout movement, please go on to their website.

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