Formby Dickensian Day 2009

"THIS wasn't
forecast!", was the cry, as people set up for last
Saturday's Dickensian Day. Anxious eyes scanned the rainy skies.
However, it soon cleared up and once again Formby centre was
thronged with thousands of eager visitors. There were many excellent
attractions on offer to entice them, from the latest feature, the
ice rink, to funfair rides; a climbing wall and a helter-skelter to
a variety of entertainers; from clowns to choirs; brass bands to
sword dancers and clog dancers, including keeping step to a
mechanical organ! Assorted weird figures paraded around, including
an impressive snow cat and tall stilted folk loomed over the crowds.
There was food and drink galore; from Brough's BBQ to scouts' mince
pies, cakes, pancakes and other delicacies; from teas and coffees to
delicious mulled wine!
Stall holders, from a wide variety of organisations and charities,
many attired in Victorian style costumes, sold a range of goods or
offered activities such as face painting, Everyone appeared to be
having a great time and most seemed happy with the day's
transactions. The local shops too, seemed to well attended. The
day's programme culminated with an entertaining parade, led by the
Mayor, Cllr Doran and Mayoress, Cllr Cuthbertson, followed by a
procession of colourful characters, old fashioned bicycles,
decorated vehicles and lively bands. There was also a book signing
in Pritchards Book Shop by the proud author whose book had only come
out that morning!
It was a grand day out! Many Congratulations to Dougie Knight, a
prime mover of the whole concept and present day Chair of the
Dickensian Day Committee and to his fellow members and to sponsors.
Much hard work must have gone into such an enjoyable, and hopefully,
lucrative day for the charities.
Here's to next year! Oh, and thanks to all concerned with the
decorations, they do the village proud.
This week we have part one of our photographic coverage and part two
will follow in next weeks edition... To see part one, click
here now!
Christmas on Southport Reporter - Santa Cam 2009

YES, it
is back again. As many of you have spotted our web cam has
been offline for a week now, but it will be back online very soon.
We are currently updating the systems so that more cameras will be
running in 2010, all over Merseyside. But we have taken the
chance now to do the updates as we are also getting ready for a very
special camera, our Santa Watch camera, that will be linked like
over the last two years to the international network of webcams,
trained on the sky and on roof tops though out the world on
Christmas night. Also on the page will be links to our
Liverpool Reporter Christmas radio broadcast, games and a very
interesting interview with the man him self. So if your
kids want to know when Santa is over Merseyside, keep your eyes on
here. Santa Cam 2009 will be going live on the 23 December
2009 and find out the link, all you have to do is keep an eye on
Liverpool Reporter,
Mersey Reporter,
Formby Reporter websites and also on
Southport.TV. That's not
forgetting on this site as well! We are also doing a very
interesting thing for New Year's Eve. So keep an eye on here
to find out what it is!