The Village Nativity Play 2009

IT was, once
again, the Formby Village Nativity Play, held on Saturday, 12
December 2009, in the
grounds of the Formby Swimming Pool Trust. The very large and
expectant crowd was told the wonderful story of the birth of our
Lord, Jesus Christ. There was a choir dressed as angels from Formby
Primary schools, who sang beautifully before the performance
commenced. Vicki Kenny, who acted as the Virgin Mary, sang
confidently and with feeling after meeting Gabriel. Michael Ridge
portrayed Joseph very successfully. John Ryan was quite frightening
as King Herod and was ably supported by his advisors. The Shepherds
performed very well along with real sheep, and even the donkey was
most co-operative!
Baby Jesus was missing, or lost just before the performance began,
so an urgent call was made on the tannoy for his arrival. However,
all was not lost, William Blair was located, after several more
appeals, in the arms of Mary. The entrance of the 3 Wise Men bearing
gifts was a most splendid affair, with drums beating and fabulous
costumes. This first class production closed with the departure of
Baby Jesus with His earthly parents to Egypt, to escape from the
evil intentions of Herod. The play was well choreographed with well
thought-out and constructed scenery, props and costumes.
After the performance, there was a Bethlehem Bazaar available for
the children and adults to meet the members of the nativity cast.
There were opportunities for pictures to be taken with baby Jesus,
Mary and Joseph; as well as the possibility of sharing chocolates
with the Wise Men. The animals, which took part in the play, were
also on show for people to get to know them. Holy Trinity Church's
Workshop was offering mince pies with teas or coffee to any one who
felt like popping in as was the Baptist church. Even the Pool Café
was open for refreshments, while there was an invitation to both
venues to support these local community charities.
The Nativity Play was organised, planned and run by the Formby
Churches Together, who wish to thank all those who took part,
including all the many people, organisations, schools, and
businesses who generously gave time, goods, and funding in support
of the Nativity Play. There was a long list of them in the program.
The Southport Reporter wishes to congratulate all involved for such
an excellent example of community activity and support.
Well done everyone for such a successful free gift from the Churches
to the Community and visitors. We all look forward to the next one.
Click on
here to see our full
photographic coverage of the event.
Live in Formby? Keep Posted thoughout 2010!

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