Victory for North West Euro-MP in clean coal deal
governments have agreed to invest up to €6 billion in the
development of clean coal technology, the largest programme in the
Proposals from the European Commission for the selection of carbon
capture and storage (CCS) demonstration projects were accepted at a
meeting on Tuesday in Brussels.
The decision represented a victory for North West Liberal Democrat
Euro-MP Chris Davies, who first introduced the idea of securing
funding for the work from the sale of surplus CO2 allowances.
Davies, who took key legislation through the European Parliament in
2008, described his success at the time as "the most important
achievement of his life."
CCS technology removes CO2 from the coal or gas used in power
stations and industrial plants for permanent burial deep
underground. It is regarded as one of the main hopes for reducing
huge quantities of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.
The plan now agreed is to have up to 12 large scale demonstration
plants in operation by 2015. Up to three of them are likely to be
built in Britain.
Welcoming the decision, Davies criticised delays already incurred
and called for the programme to be accelerated.
He said:- "It took just 3 months for Prime Ministers to accept
the principle of the funding mechanism I proposed, but it has taken
13 months to gain approval for the details. Europe says it wants to
lead the world in the development of 'green' technology but we will
only do that if we speed up our decision-taking process."
The MEP claimed that Britain was ideally placed for CCS development,
with huge coal reserves and CO2 storage sites beneath the North Sea.
"The Government has already announced that it intends to
introduce a levy on electricity bills to pay for the UK's share of
the cost of developing CCS plants."
A local man is putting himself through agony to raise money for
local causes

Dr David Bosworth, aged 54, from Hightown, has thrust himself into a
gruelling schedule of running 40 miles a week to prepare for the
Blackpool marathon on 11 April 2010.
This is a new venture for David, who works at the Health and Safety
Executive, Bootle. He has never tried anything like this before and
his wife, Sue, thinks he is having a mid-life crisis!
Said David:- “I've tried a sports car and now she thinks I
want to disprove the fact that I'm getting older although my body is
letting me know, in no uncertain way, that I am not in the first
flush of youth! I am trying to follow a training regime that
increases the agony each week!”
His programme includes various lengths of runs up to and including a
couple of 20 mile runs. On long training exercises he either runs
through Formby to Ainsdale and back along the Beach or past Woodvale
pick up the Transpennine way to Maghull and back to Hightown via
He said:- “The training is very hard, particularly the long
runs when I am on the beach. Running on sand takes a lot more energy
than on tarmac. Other runners tell me it is improving my stamina,
but personally I wonder whether it is improving my chances of
keeling over. To say I am enjoying the training given the past
weather of snow and ice may be pushing my view of enjoyment too far,
however there is a sense of satisfaction when I have completed a
long run. However, I chose this event because it is a challenge and
I have never done on before.”
He is already on his second pair of running shoes and has a third
pair ready for the event. He has calculated he must run 565 miles
before the actual race:- “A frightening total”.
David is chairman of the Mayor of Sefton’s Charity Fund (Formby and
Hightown branch) and all money raised will go into their coffers to
be used for groups and individuals in need in Formby and Hightown.
This year the branch has already donated £250 to St Luke’s Youth
Club, Formby, and £160 to Hightown Playground, and will soon be
seeking applications from any deserving groups and individuals who
need funds.
Anyone wishing to sponsor David can contact him directly by
email, or on his mobile:- 0776 436 9205. An
appeal for applications for funds will appear in the local media
soon. |
EIGHT people
were arrested on Thursday, 28 January 2010, as part of a
high-profile joint operation between Cheshire Police and Merseyside

More than 200 officers were involved in the operation that saw 25
warrants being executed in Merseyside and Cheshire resulting in
eight people, seven men and one woman, suspected of being involved
in burglary arrested.
Warrants and searches were carried out at a total of 25 properties –
22 of those were in Merseyside and three in Widnes.
Officers who are experts in search techniques are now carrying out
detailed inspections of all the premises.

Numerous items have been seized from some of the properties. Many of
these items have now been sent off for forensic testing.

Superintendent Rob Carden, who helped coordinate the operation,
said:- "These arrests form part of our continued action in
reassuring local people that Merseyside Police is serious about
tackling burglary and prosecuting offenders. Although we have made a
number of significant arrests. We are not complacent and we
will continue to proactively deal with anyone suspected of being
involved in burglary at any level. It is small minority of the
community who engage in this behaviour and we will continue to
target our resources to improve the quality of life for the
majority. Being a victim of burglary is particularly upsetting as it
is an invasion of your home and personal property. Any information
about burglaries will be treated in confidence. Please contact
us or Crimestoppers if you have information which you think could

Anyone with any information, or who witnessed anything suspicious,
is asked to call Merseyside Police on:- 0151 709 6010 or
Crimestoppers, anonymously, on:- 0800 555 111. |