Police Detectives investigating a theft at Somerfield supermarket on
Station Road in Ainsdale have released images of a man and a woman
they would like to speak to in connection with the incident.
The theft took place on 11 November 2009 at 2.55pm when a man loaded
a trolley with groceries worth more than £155 and left the store
without paying for them.
The couple was seen to leave the supermarket in a dark Vauxhall
Astra registration V446 FDX, which is believed to have later been
used by two men, of an unknown description, in an attempted theft of
a van on Dunbar Road in Southport at 10.15pm last Wednesday, 17
February 2010.

Officers are keen to
speak to anyone who may have witnessed either incident or who
recognises the couple on the CCTV footage.

Inspector Jim
McLoughlin, of Formby and Ainsdale Neighbourhood Policing Unit,
said:- "Merseyside Police will not tolerate theft of any kind and we
would very much like to speak to the couple pictured in the CCTV as
we believe they may be able to help us with our enquiries. We are
sure that someone will recognise the pair and would ask that they
let us know who they are - we treat all information received in the
strictest of confidence."

Anyone with
information is asked to call Merseyside Police on:- 0151 777 4142 or
Crimestoppers, anonymously, on:- 0800 555 111. |
Police in Liverpool are advising elderly and vulnerable people to be
on their guard against criminals posing as
bogus officials. Bogus officials are people who come to the
door and claim to be from organisations such as utility companies,
housing associations or even the police. They will con their
way into a home using excuses such as reading a meter or measuring
for new kitchen units, and while inside will steal cash or other
valuables. You can stop you or your family becoming victims with the
following simple steps:-
► Remember to close and lock the back door before answering the
front door.
► Always ask to see the identification of the person calling.
► If you are in any doubt about the identification shown, phone the
company they claim to represent and check - don’t use the phone
number they give you, look in the phone book for it. Ask the person
to wait outside while you check and never leave your front door open
while you do so.
► If the caller claims to be from an electricity, gas or water
company, ask them to quote your customer reference number.
A genuine caller from these utility companies will have that
► If the caller leaves and you are still unsure about their
credibility, write down the details of the person and the
registration number of any vehicle and contact us on:- 0151 709
► For extra security and peace of mind, fit a viewer or spy hole and
a strong chain to your door.
Liverpool Mutual Homes is currently carrying out improvement works
on many of its properties and some criminals have used this as an
opportunity to try and gain access to people’s homes. Garry Croll,
Assistant Director of Area Based Services at LMH comments:-
“I’d like to remind our tenants that just because someone looks
official or is wearing a branded jacket it doesn't mean they are who
they say they are. All of our staff and contractors carry a
photograph identification card, which they will show you when they
call. Check their ID before you let them into your home. You should
always be told before we send someone out, but if you are unsure
about someone at your door, you should call your local area office
and confirm that they are legitimate. A genuine caller will be happy
to wait while you do this.”
Chief Inspector Christopher Green from Merseyside Police adds:-
“We’d like to reassure people that this type of burglary is
rare, but when it does happen it can have a big effect on the
victim, particularly as they are often elderly or vulnerable.
Most people who call at the door will be genuine but the best
defence against bogus officials is to remember, if in doubt,
keep them out.”
Anyone with information about bogus officials, whether it is to
report a crime or just suspicious behaviour, should call Merseyside
Police on:- 0151 709 6010. Alternatively call Crimestoppers,
anonymously, on:- 0800 555 111.
Britain’s Got Talent meets The X Factor of the Paranormal World!
IN October
2010 Edd Felix, Son of Most Haunted’s, Richard Felix, decided to
launch a search for the best medium in the UK. This began with an
event in Derby, the most haunted city in Great Britain, with
Midland’s Best Medium taking place on Halloween. The winner of this
was Heather Dawn Moon who blew the audience away with her show of
mediumship on the night. The event was such a success that it has
become a nationwide tour.
Throughout 2010 Edd and his team of experts from the paranormal
world will be holding regional events around the UK, with the winner
of each going forward to a grand final at the end of the year, where
they will be declared The UK’s Best Medium!
The second stop for this tour is the North West on Friday, 12 March
2010, at The Prince of Wales Hotel, Southport. 6 mediums from around
the North West will take part in the event in front of 3 judges from
Most Haunted, Richard Felix, Billy Roberts and Dr. Matthew Smith,
and a live audience. They will have to put on a show of mediumship
involving psychometry, readings for the audience and many other
tests of their mediumistic skills.
As an audience member the public will be the fourth judge on the
night and as a result help to find the Best Medium in the whole of
the North West. For further details or to book a ticket
please visit:- or
call:- 08000 277928. |