Police Detectives investigating an attempted robbery on Sunday, 24
January 2010, have released CCTV of a number of youths who may be
able to assist officers with their enquiries.
The incident happened at around 5pm on Sunday, 24 January, when the
13 year old victim was riding on his bike in the Chavasse Park area
with a friend. He was approached by 5 or 6 older youths who blocked
his path. He was threatened by the group and told to give up his
bike. When he wouldn't give them his bike, he was punched several
times by one of them. He managed to ride away and report the
incident to security guards, who reported the matter to Police.

One of the offenders is described a
white, 5ft 4" tall, of average build with dark blond / reddish hair.
He was wearing a dark coloured coat with his hood up. A second youth
is described a white, 15-16 years old, 5ft 6-8" and of medium build.
He had short brown hair and was wearing a dark coloured tracksuit.
Merseyside Police would appeal to anyone who recognises the youths
on the CCTV images or the youths themselves, to come forward and
contact officers on:- 0151 777 4811 or Crimestoppers anonymously
on:- 0800 555 111, as they may have information that could would
assist with enquiries. |
IF you have
had a missed call from a number that starts 076 or 070, don't call
them back! These numbers are often premium rate scams.
If you return it, you can expect a premium rate charge on your bill.
The 076 number can cost around 50p per-minute to ring, and on some
mobile providers, this could be more. PhonepayPlus (formerly known
as ICSTIS) who are the regulator for phone-paid services in the UK
and an agency of Ofcom said that:- "Unfortunately, it looks
like 076 numbers are now being used for the same kind of 'missed
call' scams that have previously been operated in 2009, on the 070
number range. There is growing evidence of this and we will consider
using our Emergency Procedure to shut down any service that is
operating this type of scam. We have zero tolerance for these
'ghost' line calls that not only harm consumers, but also damage the
industry." To avoid the 'missed call' and
other phone rip-offs, the answer is that if you don't recognise the
number then don't ring it back. For more information about
PhonepayPlus who help consumers with queries about premium rate, go
Also be aware of other current phone rip-offs...
0800 and 0808 - These are seen as Free Phone numbers, but these
numbers are not free on most UK mobile networks
084 - Non geographical numbers (NGN), previously known as Lo-Call or
Local rate, are used all over the place now, billed as 5p per minute
numbers. These numbers are often used by Help lines run by
charities, businesses and even the UK government! But be warned....
using 0844 on some phone networks and mobile networks could cost far
more. 084 calls on some networks are billed at the same rate as a
standard calls, and that could be higher than the 5p per minute you
expected the bill to be at. On others, the call could cost you cost
as much as 40p per minute as from some mobile networks!
Have your say... have you been caught out by a premium rate 'missed
call'? Send us your views to us by emailing us to
Below is a very good site that lists call charges and costs for 07,
070, 0844, 0845, 0870, 09 numbers on most UK networks:- and to
find out more about the PhonepayPlus visit
Wikipedia and for Ofcom visit Ofcom are
the UK's independent regulator and competition authority for the
UK's communications industries.
Food for thought:-
"Banks & phone Bills"
OK, I hate
banks and also annoying phone calls from marketing groups etc. so I
have thought of an idea to get cash back from them. After reading
the press releases over the last few months about calls using 076
and 0844 numbers. I have decided to find out if it is
legal to do this. I will keep you posted if I find that it is!
I often find myself on the phone to some annoying call centre, on
hold for hours and that got me thinking. Why not sign up for a
Premium Rate Telephone Number? If I did then the call centre
calling you, say the bank or sales company, would be paying you for
your time! They do it to you, so why not turn the tables on
them? |