- "Sorry
Mate.... I Didn't See You!" Is not good enougth
I.A.M. Group!
As many as a
third of UK drivers on the road would fail the basic roadside
eyesight test if they had to do it again! That
was the warning today from the Institute of Advanced
Motorists, Brittan's leading advanced driving organisation.
Welcoming plans
outlined by the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) to
roll out new roadside eyesight tests, the IAM has pointed out
that poor driving vision is often a major factor in crashes
involving motorcyclists.
is of course illegal to drive any vehicle with out corrective
eyewear if a motorist's vision falls below the minimum
standard. But many drivers do so, because they haven't
had a recent eye test." Says IAM Chief
Executive Christopher Bullock.
if a driver can pass the standard daytime numberplate test,
that is no use at all as a check on night blindness, tunnel
vision or depth perception. Any one of these conditions
could affect a driver's ability to judge a motorcyclist's
speed at a junction. But the clichéd excuse 'Sorry mate
- I did not see you' is not good enough. Since 90% of
the sensory information that reaches a drive's brain does so
through the eyes, it follows that it is highly dangerous to
drive if you can not see properly."
Devised in 1935, Mr Bullock described the
standard driving eyesight test as "totally
inadequate" when it comes to assessing a person's
ability to drive safely in today's congested traffic
conditions. "Roadside furniture and other
hazards make that because human sight deteriorates as part of
the ageing process, it is right that police should carry out
eye sight testing on drivers where appropriate.
There should be stiff penalties for anybody involved in a
crash who has driven wilfully knowing that their eyesight is
defective." said Mr Bullock.
Many motorists drive with out glasses because
of vanity, because they've forgotten them or because they are
only going a short distance. Mr Bullock said that "A
spare pair of glasses should be kept in the car and
prescription sunglasses can also help improve summer vision.
Every driver should aim to have an eye test once a year!"
On an interesting note the NEW
narrower font
on number plates means that the eyesight test is now 20
meters, but on a old number plate displaying the old font is
still to be read at 20.5 meters.
If you want to become an advanced driver or
want any information on the group call Ray Woods on 01704 538
595 or visit their web site at www.iam.org.uk