George of Formby declares Lifeboat Tea Room Open
Photographs by L
Trollope, C Trollope & A Hobson.
ON Saturday,
24 April,2010, St Luke’s Life Boat Tea Room was officially opened by
no less a figure than St George, who strode up the path from the
Church,waving his mighty sword, having left his trusty steed
elsewhere! Witnessing this arrival were the Mayor, Councillor Alf
Doran and the Mayoress of Sefton, Cllr. Gillian Curthbertson and the
Vicar, Harvie Nichol. Their short speeches, delivered to waiting
members of the congregation, their friends, neighbours and well
wishers, were lively and amusing.
Then followed, the dedication of the Tea Room for God’s service, to
the Church and to the Community. A rocket, launched from the
Guides’, newly created, Lifeboat flower bed, signalled the
commencement of the serving of free refreshments to all, both inside
and outside the Meeting Room. The Travelling People Folk Group
provided lively entertainment throughout.
Also in attendance
were representatives of Sefton Coastguards’ Lifeboat and Sefton
Coastal Rangers. The event was well attended, and the newly equipped
kitchen was kept busy during the day. Donations were collected for
the RNLI.
The Tea Room will open every Friday and Saturday, between April and
September, 10am to 4pm, providing. Tea, Coffee, Soft drinks, Soup
and Cakes will be served, and supplemented only on Bank Holiday
Mondays by bacon rolls.
Everyone welcome, and so too are well behaved dogs on a lead, water
provided. Dogs were well represented at the opening, but all
remained very amicable.
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