Prince's Trust means business for Merseyside and Manchester’s young

Manchester’s young people are being offered the chance to set up in
business with The Prince's Trust this April and May.
The Prince’s Trust Enterprise Programme looks at the realities of
setting up on your own with the option to apply to The Trust for a
low-interest loan and local business mentor.
Open to unemployed young people aged between 18 and 30, the
programme will give advice on writing a business plan, marketing,
legal issues and tax whilst also examining the employment
opportunities available locally.
Programme Executive, Heather Peers, The Trust’s main representative
in the Merseyside area, said:- “If there are young people out
there who are unemployed and have a feasible business idea then we
want to hear from them. This is a great opportunity to get quality
help for free and explore your entrepreneurial dreams.”
Heather will be running information sessions for the Enterprise
Programme in Merseyside and Manchester throughout April and May. For
more information please contact her on:- 0151 794 3197 or email:-
MPs work together to support the UK’s six million carers
OVER 100 MPs
have already pledged their support for Carers Week 2010, and its
nationwide programme of events, aimed at supporting the country’s 6
million of carers.
More than 10 thousand activities will take place throughout the UK
between 14-20 June 2010, while in Parliament, the carers cause will
be championed by Carers Week Parliamentary Ambassadors: Tony Baldry
MP (Banbury, Conservative) and Hywel Francis MP (Aberavon, Labour).
They said:- "As Parliamentary Ambassadors for Carers Week we
are delighted that so many MPs in the new Parliament, from across
the political spectrum, have already expressed their support for
carers and for Carers Week 2010. Over 100 of our
colleagues took time out from campaigning over the frantically busy
election period to sign up, and when Parliament resumes next week we
have no doubt that many more MPs will join us in recognising the
massive contribution made by the UK's 6 million carers, who give
their unstinting love and dedication to a relative or friend.
Many of us who have allied ourselves with Carers Week have
experience of caring and we know that carers deserve our respect,
admiration and ongoing cross-party co-operation to bring about real
improvement in their lives."
Further information on Carers Week 2010, including activities being
held during Carers Week in your area, can be found at:-
Southport Access For
Everyone Forum Update
THE next meeting of the
Southport Access For Everyone forum will be held at the Community
Room of the Southport Fire Station at the corner of Manchester Road
and Lord Street, Southport, on Thursday, 27 May 2010, at 7.00pm.
People who experience access problems to the town's facilities
because of a disability are welcome to attend and discuss their
problems. The premises are fully accessible for
wheelchair users. Enquiries:- 01704 567046. |
PTSD among veteran servicemen is a ticking ‘time bomb’

TONY Banks, an
ex-Paratrooper and campaigner of services charity Combat Stress,
warned that the Ministry of Defence was under-estimating the
problem of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) amongst military
personnel returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.
A report by Professor
Simon Wessely of King’s London, published yesterday and following a
similar study in 2005 found no ‘tidal wave’ of mental health
problems linked with troops who were deployed on active service.
“Combat Stress has found that, on average, a veteran waits 14
years before seeking help for PTSD. Constant deployment of troops in
Afghanistan following on from Iraq and the Gulf means that we are
storing up a time-bomb for the future,” said Mr Banks, who
is the chairman of Balhousie Care Group.
Combat Stress has a current caseload of 4,375 veterans. This
includes 94 who have served in Afghanistan and 390 who served in
Iraq. Last year six new cases sought help from Combat Stress who had
waited 50 years or more.
The study involved 9,990 members of the British armed forces and was
published in the Lancet. It concludes that the incidence of PTSD
among actively deployed troops to be between 3% and 4%. Professor
Wessely also reported that one in seven of active personnel were
drinking ‘hazardous and harmful’ levels of alcohol.
Robert Marsh of Combat Stress said:- “The fact remains that in
the region of 180,000 individuals have served in Iraq or Afghanistan
(to date) and if 4% of these suffer PTSD this will mean over 7,000
future sufferers. This is a huge number and about twice of Combat
Stress’s current case load.”
Mr Banks urged that the public support the Combat Stress appeal
Enemy Within’ which hopes to raise the £35 million that will be
required to provide a national network of community teams who can
provide personal support to military veterans throughout Britain.
“The unseen injuries of war – the nightmares, flashbacks,
anxieties, depression, anger and guilt – in short, the psychological
injuries, can render the sufferer totally incapacitated.”
said Prince Charles, patron of Combat Stress, when he launched the
‘The Enemy Within’ appeal in March 2010.
Channel 4’s
Embarrassing Bodies is coming to Liverpool!
DID you know that Channel’s 4
Flagship medical programme Embarrassing Bodies is back in Liverpool
and this time it’s looking for a local family with weight problems
to take part. The Embarrassing Bodies doctors will be filming
at Liverpool John Moores University and featuring their brand new
state of the art sports science facility. Using the most up-to-date
methods, they’ll be measuring metabolism and body fat in order help
overweight families. They will also be offering long term help
through the University's GOALS project which is supported by
Liverpool City Council and Liverpool PCT. The doctors will
also test the family to see if there are genetic reasons behind
their weight problems. If you’re in a family that’s been
piling on the pounds or wonder why you carry so much weight, here’s
a unique opportunity to do something about it! Call
Laura in confidence for a no obligation chat on:- 0121 224 8429 or
All tests will be filmed. Dietary and fitness advice will also be
provided. |