Debt reduction plans backed by 75% of small firms
MORE than 75%
of small firms back moves to tackle Britain’s record deficit, a new
Forum of Private Business survey has found. When asked what
the new Government’s immediate priorities should be, 77% of
respondents to the Forum’s latest Referendum ballot listed repayment
of the national debt.
The issue emerged as the single most prominent concern among SMEs
polled by the Forum – apparently endorsing the new coalition
Government’s strong emphasis on rapid deficit reduction.
Stronger regulation of utility companies and banks was the next most
popular priority listed by small business owners, finding favour
with 62% of those surveyed. This was closely followed by
simplification of the tax system, on 61%.
Commenting on the findings, the Forum’s research manager Thomas
Parry said:- “The one clear and consistent message to come out
of this survey is that business owners want to see the deficit dealt
with, and dealt with fast. Many small businesses will be hit
by tax rises and spending cuts, just like everyone else. However, I
think our members take the view that the economy can’t continue
servicing such a dangerous level of debt and it needs to be dealt
with sooner rather than later, for the whole country’s sake.”
The Forum’s latest Referendum ballot, which was completed by members
just before the General Election, also appears to indicate that some
business owners will be happy with the Conservative/Liberal Democrat
The Conservative
Party was easily the most popular party among the small firms
surveyed. The Tories found favour with 61% of respondents – way
above the 36% share of the vote that the party won among the general
electorate. However, perhaps surprisingly, the Lib Dems were
the 3rd most popular party among small business owners – and twice
as popular as Labour. When asked which party best understood the
needs of their businesses, only around 2.9% of Forum members said
Labour, compared to 5.5% for the Lib Dems. The Liberals also
appear to be more agreeable to small firms than that Scottish and
Welsh nationalists – SNP and Plaid Cymru attracted the backing of
just 2% of Forum members in the two countries.
Mr Parry commented:- “The Lib Dems aren’t traditionally
thought of as being the party of small businesses, but perhaps the
popularity of stronger regulation of perceived monopolies among
Forum members partly explains why they emerged as the third most
popular party in this survey. Since the global financial
crisis, the Lib Dems have been very vocal about the need for tighter
controls on the banks, so perhaps this message has won them some
support among SMEs.”
However, the Lib Dems attracted significantly less support than UKIP,
which emerged as the second most popular political party among Forum
members. The anti-EU group found favour with 7.4% of small
businesses polled, despite managing only a 3% share of votes overall
in the election. In addition, almost a quarter (around 23%) of
Referendum respondents said they feel that absolutely none of the
political parties understand their business and its needs,
reflecting a considerable amount of disillusionment.
Referendum 192 also found that small business owners appear to have
been largely unaffected by the election itself and its uncertain
aftermath. When asked:- "What impact do you feel electioneering
has had on your business?" 63% replied with ‘no impact’.
Additionally, reducing local taxation was the most popular option
for Forum members when asked:- "Where could support to your
business be improved locally?" A solid 57% supported such
measures. This was followed by parking and transport issues,
which was selected by 41% of respondents, and crime prevention, on
30%. Do you agree? Email us now to with your views... |
City’s first Community Geriatrician appointed

city’s first Community Consultant for Older People has been hired in
order to ensure that older people living in care homes are given the
treatment they need.
Consultant Geriatrician Rebecca Bancroft has been appointed by NHS
Liverpool Community Health in partnership with RLBUHT and supported
by Liverpool PCT. Her role is to provide the 3,200 residents in 70
care homes in the city with specialist assessment and care.
Rebecca’s appointment follows a five-year training period with the
Mersey Deanery during which time she rotated around hospitals in the
region. She has also previously trained and worked in South Wales
and London.
Rebecca said:- “It is a privilege to have been given the
opportunity to help shape future community services for older people
in Liverpool. I perceive the
most important part of my role as acting as an advocate for older
people – residents in care homes have the greatest need for this
support. Less than 5% of
residents in care homes currently have access to a geriatrician in
the UK, yet these are the frailest and most complex population of
Part of Rebecca’s role involves working with NHS Liverpool Community
Health’s Care Home Support Team. The team comprises a wide range of
services, including community matrons, physiotherapists,
pharmacists, and the new role of Consultant Geriatrician.
The aim of the
service is to ensure that older people in Liverpool receive timely
care in the appropriate setting, provided by the most appropriate
staff. This helps to reduce avoidable hospital admissions which can
have significantly negative consequences.
Nice ‘n’ Naughty World Cup Offer!
World Cup is the premier international football tournament. It is
scheduled to take place between 11 June and 11 July 2010 in South
Africa –and England stand a real chance of winning the tournament!
Nice ‘n’ Naughty – One of the UK’s premier licensed adult retailers
are offering a 100% refund on in -store sales if England should win
the 2010 FIFA World Cup. In order to qualify for this fantastic
deal, customers are required to purchase goods to a value of £150 or
more in a single transaction at any of the chain’s fifteen retail
stores throughout the UK. The offer applies to
purchases made from the 18th May to the 11 June 2010. Proof of
purchase (Original transaction receipt) is required to redeem a full
refund on the purchase. For further information please visit
online. England’s first game
is on the 12 June 2010, against the USA, followed by Algeria and
Slovenia and then hopefully all the way to the final on the 11 July
2010. |