Wear blue to support Men’s Health

health provider NHS Liverpool Community Health are calling for the
city’s residents to turn the streets blue – by supporting Men’s
Health Week.
The organisation’s employees will be wearing blue this Friday to
mark the week, and are calling on others to do the same.
Bernie Cuthel, Managing Director, said:- “As a healthcare
provider, men’s health is a real priority for us, which is why we
whole-heartedly support awareness-raising events such as Men’s
Health Week. A number of our staff intend to wear blue to support
the ethos of Men’s Health Week and to encourage men to look after
their health, and we are calling on everyone across the city to wear
something blue as a mark of their support.”
Jan Anderson, Estates Development Manager for NHS Liverpool
Community Health, said:- “Men don’t pay enough attention to
their health, so if, just by wearing blue we can get them to think
about it for five minutes then I’m right behind the idea.”
Men’s Health Week runs throughout all of this week. Organised by the
Men’s Health Forum, this year’s theme focuses on men and physical
activity and aims to encourage men to pay more attention to their
For more information go to:-
International Polo
Championships, June 2010

ON Saturday,
12 June 2010, we caught a glimpse of the International Polo in the
Kings Dock, Liverpool. Amongst the teams of canoeists
enthusiastically competing were friends of Allonby of Liverpool
competing against Manchester.

Letters To Editor:- "Message of Thanks"
WE have been
asked to pass on heartfelt thanks to a great couple from Chester,
who were staying at the Travel Lodge in Liverpool. “They came
to the assistance of my friend and I in our hour of need. It is
lovely to be reminded that in this apparently hardnosed world,
spontaneous acts of kindness and support still occur. We are truly
grateful and hope that should you ever be in need, someone will as
readily help you. Your help makes the world a better place.” |
Successful Help For Heroes Event At The Latin Lounge

THE Latin
Lounge on Post Office Ave, Southport held a special event in
aid of Help For Heroes on Saturday, 12 June 2010. The night
helped to raise around £1500 for the fund and proved to be a massive

"I am very
please with the result and would like to thank all who attended and
every one who helped. My next task to raise cash for the charity
will be based around a cycling challenge I did earlier this year. On
the 24 May 2010, I joined 299 other cyclists at HMS Victory in
Portsmouth to make are way to northern France to cycle from a little
village called Fecamp through the 1st and 2nd world war battle
fields of the SOMME on the way we had wreath laying ceremonies. As
with the event in the Latin Lounge, all money raised went to
charity. We ended up in Dunkirk some 350 miles from the start in
time for the anniversary of the evacuation of our troops back to
Britain. My next step will be on the 13 September 2010. I will be
embarking on my next cycle ride with again about 200 others
including Andy who is cycling on an folding PARA bike from Brussels
to Arnham in Holland. I need to raise £ 2200.00 in sponsorship and
to do this was hoping to get corporate sponsorship and sell the
space on my cycling shirt and shorts. Cost will depend on which area
of the cycling gear they want the advert. If you think you can help,
please contact me on:- 07980755054 or email:-
acribb@gotadsl.co.uk, thank you!" said event
organiser Alistair Cribb.

Police are appealing for witnesses to come forward after a 21 year
old woman was sexually assaulted on Leece Street in Liverpool city
centre on Sunday, 18 April 2010. The victim was walking along
Leece Street at about 4.45am when she was approached by three men,
one of whom sexually assaulted her. A CCTV still has been
released and police are trying to trace the man on the left of the
image as they believe he could have information which could help
their inquiries. The man police would like to speak to is
described as black, late teens with black hair. He was wearing blue
baggy jeans and a dark coloured t-shirt. Anyone who may be able to
help the police with their inquiries should contact:- 0151 777 1385,
or Crimestoppers on:- 0800 555 111. |