THIS year’s Woodvale
International Rally will be bigger and better than ever before with
a record number of entries already secured in all areas.
Advanced tickets sales at this stage are also up on previous years
as is campsite reservations following the success of its
re-introduction last year.
Organisers of the rally at RAF Woodvale, now in its 39th year on 7
August and 8 August 2010, have frozen the entrance price on last
year and have also arranged a lot of free entertainment to ensure
visitors enjoy an affordable weekend.
New attractions this year include the original:- ‘Wall of
Death Tour’, the West Lancs. Dog Display Team and inflatable
orbs - balls on water and land.

This year also marks the 60th
anniversary of the Battle of Britain, which will be commemorated
with a special show. The full sized replica Spitfire will be on
display on the Saturday and the model aircraft and military sections
have also increased the size of their displays.
This year also sees a new craft tent and food marquee and more than
200 trade stands.
The rally offers visitors a spectacle of
events and activities from its renowned Model Aero Show and Vintage
and Classic Car Rally to a colourful kite festival, Morris dancing,
country market, auto jumble and craft fair. There will also be live
music and other entertainment.
Peter Wood, Rally Manager, said:-
“Once again the line-up for this year’s rally provides something for
all the family whether an enthusiast, collector or for those just
looking for a great day out.”
Other highlights include motorcycles and military vehicles, model
aircraft display, the ex-Vietnam Huey helicopter, Rolls Royce,
Merlin and Griffin Aero Engine Display, model car racing, model
boats and railways, stationary engines and a car restoration
workshop. There will also be a military vehicle parade on both days
at 12.30.

A wide range of bands will perform on
both days including the Savoy Jazz Band and Juke Box Eddys, playing
hits from the 50s and 60s. Laurel and Hardy will also be spotted
around the showground.
For the younger members of the family the free attractions include
The Crazy Bears, land trains around the site and the Paper Wizard,
who creates origami animals and birds. There is also a popular
fairground and miniature train rides.
Each day the large model aircraft display will finish with the
recreation of the famous Dambuster raid with special effects and
Lancaster bombers.
Tickets in advance for both days are £8 for adults, £4 for children,
£7 for OAPs and £20 for a family ticket. At the gate adults tickets
cost £10, children £5, OAPs £8 and a family ticket is £25. Tickets
are valid for both days. Gates open on both days at 9am and dogs on
a lead are allowed.
For further information telephone:- 07794 781027. To download an
advance booking form or to book a camping slot (£50 for both days)
woodvale-rally.org.uk. Advance
tickets are available from the Tourist Information Centre on the
corner of Lord Street and Eastbank Street in Southport.
The Rally is just a few miles from
Southport with access directly off the A565 (Liverpool to Southport)
with ample free parking and a continuous Vintage bus service to and
from the event.
To see last years event photographs
taken by us click
here now. |
Cultivating a greener
transport network

A best practice guide,
“Wildflowers for Transport Projects”, to encourage wild
flower planting schemes on land across the Merseyside transport
network has been launched by the Merseyside Transport Partnership.
The guide focuses on the creation of wildflower areas and their
management in transport related projects, both on the highways and
at public transport interchanges and includes all aspects of
creating a wildflower area - from choosing a site, to conditions,
suitable species, management implications and potential benefits.
Merseytravel chief executive and director general, Neil Scales said
of the initiative:- “This is a win - win for us because we are
committed to doing everything we can to meet our environmental
targets, so when we get the chance to encourage our partners to work
with us to make improvements, then that’s even better.”
Councillor Mark Dowd, chair of Merseytravel added:- “Not only
can landscaping open spaces alongside the network improve the
journey for our passengers; it also helps the environment by
providing green infrastructure.”
Creating new wildlife sites can make towns and cities more appealing
and better places to live whilst helping to address climate change
Using available land for wildflower planting can also improve
drainage and encourage a wider range of species, and if properly
managed could effectively ‘look after itself’ with no
ongoing maintenance costs.
To see a copy of the guide visit:-
To see the Merseytravel annual Environmental Sustainability Report
New EU mobile phone
roaming charge cuts come into force
NEW rules concerning the cost of
connecting to the internet with your mobile phone when in another EU
country will came into force on Thursday, 1 July 2010, in time for
the summer break. Euro MP and Consumer Champion, Arlene McCarthy who
steered the law through the European Parliament when she was Chair
of the Consumer Protection Committee said:- “Mobile phone
companies were given ample opportunity to act on the cost of using
phones in another EU country. In the end it has taken EU action on
every issue – calling, texting and now data roaming - to bring
prices down. The message is clear, we will take on industry when
there is clear evidence of over-charging and we will win a fairer
deal for consumers. This is more good news on prices for mobile
phone users. Since we brought in the law we have slashed costs by
73% on average compared to 5 years ago. Consumers can now holiday
and work in Europe safe in the knowledge that they won’t be coming
home to a rip-off mobile phone bill on their doormat!”

MERSEYSIDE Police provided a well
earned pit-stop to motorcycle officers from Avon and Somerset who
are taking to the road to support the charity Child Victims of
PC Greg Miller and PC Adrian Peck took to the open road on their
police bikes, followed by PC Chris Baxter and DC Paul Moares who
provided support in an unmarked police car as part of the 1500 mile
Castle Crusade.
The officers visited Merseyside Police HQ and were presented with a
donation from the Chief Constable's Charitable Trust by ACC Helen
King on Tuesday, 29 June 2010. The Child Victims of Crime is the
only national police children's charity and provides support and
help to any child under 16 who has been the victim of crime or
traumatised by a criminal act.
PCs Miller and Peck are no strangers to long distance motorcycle
rides, completing the 2200 mile ride between Land's End and John
O'Groats for the charity last year.
For more information please visit:-
castlecrusade.co.uk. |