On the Waterfront

ALL eyes were On the Waterfront
Friday, 16 July 2010 to Sunday, 18 July 2010 when the World Heritage
Site, that is Liverpool’s Pier Head and Albert Dock and surrounding
areas, was enlivened by a range of attractions and activities, some
of which were rather hard to track down but worth the effort. It was
great to see a number of tall ships in the dock again, albeit on a
smaller scale than the spectacular events of 2008. Costumed figures
toured the area, some giving performances to amuse visitors, while
acrobats, bands and choirs entertained from aboard a ship alongside
Hartley Quay. Shanties and other music sounded out from various
locations throughout the area. Also popular was ‘Brocklebank’, the
tug once the property of the Alexander Towing Company and leading a
busy life around the Mersey Docks. It is now owned by the Merseyside
Maritime Museum and is berthed adjacent to the museum in the Albert
Dock. Fascinating! The Tate Modern Gallery, also on the Albert Dock,
is currently hosting some of Picasso’s work in an exhibition
entitled Picasso: Peace and Freedom. The Gallery ran an inspiring
activity tent nearby, also with that theme in mind. This seemed very
popular when we paid a visit on Saturday and, judging by the
numerous’ cleverly crafted Doves of Peace fluttering from a frame
outside, many little hands had been very busy. Pirates have played a
prominent part over the weekend, appearing all over the place; even
a giant insect in Bug’s World was seen sporting a pirate’s hat! And
on Sunday, abetted by Mersey Ferries, they abounded, looking for
lost treasure, also sought by the public and fighting a great battle
in the dock. Alongside all this, and various other activities and
stalls, at Pier Head was the incredible sight of skilled sculptors
from Sand in Your Eye, fashioning a stunning design from 60 tons of
specially delivered sand! Our photos show a figure inspired by
Picasso’s theme of Peace. For more information, go to
sandinyoureye.co.uk. Much more
was on offer including fireworks; and all for free! Liverpool
continues to buzz!
Click on
here to see our photographic
coverage of this fantastic event...
Keep in mind that the same area will be
the scene of yet more festivities from Friday, 6 August 2010 to
Sunday, 8 August 2010, when dance of many sorts and acrobatics
promise an exciting weekend. Mark your diaries now and join in the
Liverpool 1 Gets A
New Holiday Look...

out why Liverpool one now looks like a tropical holiday resort in
next weeks issue... but for now... click
here to see a few
photographs we snapped at the unveiling on their new attraction...
If you
have someone you want to say happy birthday to, for free,
use the email address below to
send us the names
you want us say
happy birthday to, and/or a photograph.
us today!