International It’s a Knockout came to town last weekend and hundreds
flocked to New Pleasureland to join in the excitement.
New Pleasureland put the fun back in to fundraising by hosting It’s
a Knockout against the backdrop of a Big Family Picnic week-end on
Saturday, 17 July and Sunday and 18 July 2010.

The teams taking part in the It’s a Knockout had a great deal of fun
whilst raising much needed funds for the Intensive Care Unit and
Queenscourt Hospice.
The Big Family Picnic weekend included the zany Crazy Bears, a DJ
show, strongman competition, dance shows and a dumb bell lifting
As the spectacle drew to a close, New Pleasureland owner Norman
Wallis commented,- “We have worked hard over the past couple
of years to provide a special, leisure experience for Southport that
people come from far and wide to enjoy and it is wonderful to see so
many people here today doing just that today. I know how important
it is for charities like Queenscourt Hospice and the Intensive Care
Unit to keep on fund raising and we are delighted to have been able
to host this great event and help
at the same time. I just want to thank everyone for their commitment
and hard work.”
search is on for the North West customer service champion
DO you know
someone who goes the extra mile when it comes to customer service?
If so, they could be in the running for the title of Customer
Champion in a new nationwide competition run by the Institute of
Customer Service.
The Institute has launched the search to celebrate those who always
put the customer first. 1 winner will be chosen from each of
the 9 different UK regions represented by the Institute – so readers
should nominate now and make sure the North West winner comes from
their area! The regional winners will then go forward for the
national competition.
Institute Chief Executive Jo Causon said:- “We want you to
nominate someone who has gone above and beyond the call of duty for
you. Perhaps your local newsagent went to great lengths to
order in your favourite magazine, or your mobile phone operator was
really helpful in investigating a query on your bill. All of these
unsung customer service champions have a chance to be recognised in
the awards.”
Nominations can also come from employers or colleagues of someone
who excels in customer service. “It’s a great way of showing
appreciation to your teammates or staff members for the effort they
put in.” Jo Causon added.
before 31 August 2010 to make your nomination. Winners will be announced
during the Institute’s National Customer Service Week, which takes
place from 4 October to 10 October 2010.
Regional winners will receive a choice of experience gifts up to the
value of £150, while the person who nominated them will be given £50
shopping vouchers. The overall national champion will be treated to
a weekend break.
The Institute of Customer Service will choose regional winners from
the East Midlands, Ireland and Scotland, London and East, London and
South East, the North East, the North West, the South, Wales and
West and the West Midlands. A national Customer Champion will then
be crowned.
The Institute of Customer Service is the professional body for
customer service, with more than 350 organisational members from the
private, public and third sectors, as well as over 7,000 individual
members. The Institute works with organisations to raise their
service standards, while it supports individuals to develop their
skills and achieve professional recognition.
For more information about the awards, which are open to members and
non-members of the Institute
or call the Institute of Customer Service on 01206 571716. To
learn more about the Institute, visit:- |