Woodvale Rally 2010!
Photographs and
report by Patrick Trollope

RAF Woodvale Rally was a massive hit
this year and it proved to be the best so far. It was as popular, if
not more popular, than it has ever been. The event had many attractions from
classic motor bikes to classic cars at one end of the airfield.
There were breathtaking stunts in a new attraction, the Wall of
Death; not forgetting, mind you, the other motorcycle stunt display
outside. Both of these kept crowds coming back for more. In between
the control tower and the bikes was the Fun Fair, and nesting along
the side where
lots of side stalls… Then you found your self moving on to the model boats and model railway tents,
archery, band stands, beer and food tents, craft tents and a car
boot sales! If that was not enough, on top of all that, the
show had a real helicopter! It was used in Vietnam y the US
Air Force and with the re-release of the A-Team this
year, the Bell Huey was a fantastic site to see; as was the
operational Police helicopter! Adding its own fascination was
a fantastic display of pyrotechnics, thanks to MDL Fireworks, who
helped recreate a version of the Dam Busters, on the model aircraft
display area. But no show at and airfield would be complete with it
it and true to form the model aircraft where flying high. That
was not the only flying display as tucked
in the corner of the airfield, next to the car park, were the kite
flyers. For two of the show’s guests, things just were slightly
challenging, as Stan Laurel and Ollie Hardy lookalikes performed
their antics. Well done to both of you for keeping all of us highly
entertained and adding to what was a fantastic atmosphere. Keep a
look out for the pair, as they are from Southport… No idea if you
did take off Ollie, but do let us know if you did manage to take

...See part 1 above - Part 2 in next
weeks issue...
Ricky Whittle Cleared
In Paparazzi Case
Photographs by
Ian Fairbrother

THE Strictly Come Dancing star
and ex-Hollyoaks actor, Ricky Whittle was taken to Liverpool Crown
Court after being accused of deliberately driving his American Dodge
pick-up truck at freelance photographer Stephen Farrell.
The incident happened in the early hours of 27 November 2010, and
lead to the clam that claimed the former model acted out of
"irritation" at the snapper trying to get pictures of him
with former girlfriend, Hollyoaks actress Carley Stenson. After
being cleared Ricky told the media outside that:- "It's been
nine months of hell. I'm so glad it's over. I want to thank the
people of Liverpool and the Mersey because they really have
supported me on the way in and the way out from the courts. It's
been really touching. I have had so much support and messages and I
just really want to thank them." When asked about his
relationship with the media and photographers, Ricky said:- "I
have never had a problem with the press before and I won't in the
future." |