£millions of e-waste ‘thrown out’ by Merseyside households

households are losing out on millions by throwing their old
electrical gadgets away, according to new research. Every year
people in Britain throw away more than a million tonnes of
electrical waste, much of it ending in landfill and proving
hazardous to the environment.
Market research conducted by new site, weeebuy.co.uk, the UK’s first
recycling website to offer cash for all types of electrical waste,
found the average value of a recycled gadget is £30, whilst the
average household in Merseyside has three unwanted electrical items.
The site expects the three most common electrical items lying around
the home to be phones, laptops and cameras.
Chris Rogerson, who is the co-founder of weeebuy.co.uk, said:-
“We’re launching this site to combat electrical waste and reward
consumers for being green. In most circumstances, old electronics
have a financial value and it’s up to us to help people extract
that. Not only does recycling electrical gadgets, line your pockets,
it also helps the environment by saving as much as 200,000 tonnes of
waste from landfill. This is the first site of its kind that offers
to reward the general public for all electrical items with cash for
complying with the European WEEE Directive. The site has instant
valuations and free collection and we’re aiming to hand over more
than £10m in our first year.”
The site has teamed up with the Woodland Trust, the UK’s leading
woodland conservation charity, making a voluntary donation towards
planting trees in the UK for every electrical product recycled on
the site.
Yasmine Davies at the Woodland Trust, said:- “By recycling
with weeebuy.co.uk you will be directly contributing to our “More
Trees, More Good” campaign which aims to plant 20 million native
trees in the UK every year for the next 50 years. The UK is one of
the least wooded countries in Europe with four per cent woodland
cover, but we need twice as much as this. Businesses like
weeebuy.co.uk make it easy for everyone to do their part in
improving our environment. Every time any electrical item is
recycled, you’ll be making a real difference.” |

OK, you come
back from a relaxing Holiday? You open your inbox of your computer
and find out that you have got lots of emails…. Don’t Hit Spam to
save time! We do not have many problems, but we have had 3 users
complaining via telephone, the last week, about our email service. I
would like to remind everyone using or Formby Reporter Free News
Update Service to please NOTE that clicking onto the "This is
SPAM" button in Yahoo/Hotmail/AOL/etc. for removing emails
after going on holiday is not a good idea! We all might make the odd
mistake and click the "spam" button by accident and
often the email providers take that into account. Sadly, if you do
it one too many times you will NOT get the emails anymore! If your
email provider blocks our news email address, we can’t fix that
problem for you, so please don’t phone to complain! No matter the
amount of account maintenance we do, it will not fix it at our end,
so please remember that! If blocked on your end, our emails will
simply go unseen by you and we will get a bounce notice. That will
result in our system disabling your email from our lists. Our email
news system carries a remove link, which will have your email
unsubscribed, free and without fuss from the systems. Also, if you
do not want us to send you news, do not email this email address.
Our website@southportreporter.com email address is a "Do Not
Reply" email address and sending any unsubscribe requests to
this address will not work. So if you want to stop it for a short
time, please use that and then re-subscribe. We are looking at a
holiday notice link, but we are developing that at this point in
time. Thank you for your continued support in our news services, but
please, remember this simple rule so that you can keep enjoying it!
Council Tax Rebate Scam
A similar
scam reported also seemingly from a non-British call centre, claims
to be from an agent from Sefton Council stating that the recipient
has been paying Council Tax for too high a band for many years and
that the government has now ordered a repayment. They already know
most details about the recipient. The caller is very plausible,
stating that she is not authorized to ask for details, but then goes
on to ask for details of a credit/debit card just to check. She also
states then that if you refuse, then the offer will be lost. When
challenged, the polite and helpful manner is dropped as is the
‘phone'. The number is withheld so one is unable to ring
them back, or identify them. A representative of Sefton council
stated that a similar scam operated some time ago, another call had
been reported and they were concerned and are trying to trace the
call. If you receive this, or other ‘good news’ offer
do not give any information. Always check the validity of and
unsolicited call. Also if you have if you have any information
on these types of calls report them to Sefton Council and your
telephone provider. |