bird’s eye view of Mersey wildlife
MERSEY Ferries are to organise a special
cruise for birdwatchers to say farewell to summer visitors.
The cruise, organised in association with the Royal Society for the
Protection of Birds and National Museums Liverpool, will be held on
Wednesday, 29 September 2010.
Chris Tynan, group leader for Liverpool RSPB volunteers said:-
“This is the peak time of year for seabirds passing through
Liverpool Bay which they use as an important feeding zone on their
migration route to Africa. It’s a wonderful way to see a
different perspective of the coastline.”
Neil Scales, chief executive and director general of Merseytravel,
which owns and operates the Mersey Ferries, said:- “These
cruises are now in their seventh year and are a popular event for
wildlife enthusiasts. This is one more way in which we can use
our fabulous Mersey Ferries to offer something different to our
customers and build upon our tourism offer.”
The RSPB will have special volunteers on board to help identify
wild-life and previous sightings have included long-tailed skuas,
peregrine falcons, osprey, guillemots, kittiwakes, sandwich terns,
godwits, knots and Atlantic grey seals.
The Liverbird Discovery Cruise departs Seacombe at 11.00am, Pier
Head, Liverpool at 11.10am and Woodside Wirral at 11.20am.
Price £12.00 adults, £6.00 children. Cruise duration is
approximately 3 hours. Advance booking is essential call:- 0151 330
1444 or book online at:-
MANY of you have spotted we are
still changing Mersey Reporter around, but how many of you know that
we run job adverts on it now. Well, if you have a job you want to
advertise and you have a self editable page advert with us, then
send us your job advert and we will add it, for free to the vacancy
lists. This offer runs up to December and might be extended. If you
do not have an advert page, you can still take out a job advert with
us for only £20 for 28 days (4 Weeks) from day of listing. Also if
you want a job, it is FREE to view jobs and you do not have to
register! See
Southport Air
Show 2010 Ready For Take Off

THIS year’s Southport Air Show
will be run over 18 September to 19 September 2010 and is well on
track to be yet another high flying attraction for the town. We
would like to see what you make of it this year... So if you have
any good pictures and want to show them off, email them to us via
news24@southportreporter.com with your name and address.
We will put the best ones on and then select the very best one and,
if high enough resolution, we will send you an 8" by 12" print of
your picture for you to frame! Standard T&C apply. |
Mobility firm fined for conning pensioner
THE owner of a
company who conned a pensioner out of £1,500 has been prosecuted by
Liverpool’s Trading Standards.
In June 2009, James Robinson, trading as Easycare Mobility, supplied
a scooter to 79 year old Florence Wright of Kremlin Drive, who is
frail and struggles to walk. Despite specifically telling the
salesperson who visited her home she would be using the scooter on
the roads, when the £1,500 vehicle arrived the tyres were labelled
with a warning that it was not to be used on the highway. She also
found she was too frail to move the heavy scooter.
Ms Wright tried to contact the company, which is based in Keighley,
West Yorkshire, several times but did not receive a response.
The worried and upset pensioner, who had paid cash for the product,
contacted Liverpool Trading Standards for help.
After investigating the case the team discovered Mr Robinson had
failed to make sure his sales team used the correct paperwork which
informs consumers of their cancellation rights.
On Thursday, 9 September 2010, James Robinson pleaded guilty to offences
under the Consumer Protection Act and Unfair Trading Regulations
2008 at Liverpool Magistrates’ Court. He was fined a total of
£1,400 and ordered to pay compensation to Ms Wright of £1,500 and
£250 towards prosecution costs.
Liverpool City Council’s cabinet member responsible for Trading
Standards, Councillor Tim Moore, said:- “Conning anyone out of
money is disgusting, but to prey on the elderly and disabled is
shocking. I’m pleased Ms Wright contacted our team and that we
were able to help her out and prosecute this rogue trader.
We advise people not to be pressured into signing anything – take
your time and look at all the options and remember if you do sign
anything you have at least seven days to change your mind. Many
people may not be aware of their cancellation rights, and we advise
anyone who is unsure to contact Consumer Direct.”
Ms Wright was thrilled with the outcome and said:- “I’m
delighted – I really didn’t think I’d get my money back and I’m so
grateful to Trading Standards, they do a wonderful job!”
Anyone who would like any clear, practical advice should contact
Consumer Direct on:- 08454 04 05 06.
Can you write a
'Happily Ever After'?
WHETHER you enjoy writing rhymes,
bedtime stories, tales of adventure or fun limericks, we'd love to
hear from you. We inviting both poetry and short story submissions
for a new collection for children.
There is no restriction on theme or poetic style. Poems must be no
more than 30 lines and stories up to 250 words (excluding titles).
Maximum of 2 entries per person. Your work must be original and
unpublished. Entry is free.
The best entry that we publish will be awarded £200 in
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a choice of formats, such as 50 copies of a 40-page Slim Volume or
50 copies of a 30 page Colour Booklet! We'll also award the winner
and 4 runners-up a free copy of the book. Entering is easy
simply upload your entry directly to
forwardpress.co.uk or by
You must
include your name and postal address. Make sure you include
'Happily Ever After' in the subject line. Alternatively, send your
entry along with your name and address and to:-
Happily Ever After,
Forward Press,
Remus House,
Entries must be in
by the 1 October 2010. |