Wirral 100
Club Bike Championships
Photographs take for us by Octane Photos .jpg)
THE local race track, Oulton
Park, held the Wirral 100 Motor Club on 23 October 2010. The event
ran despite the rain, making hard going for riders, but fantastic
viewing for spectators and photographers alike. The event featured
racing from more than 10 different series including 125cc bikes,
Sidecars, Power bikes and the Formula 600 series. There were also
classic bikes on show in the series' Forgotten Era categories.
Taking part were many local riders in what was a very tight
timetable that lead to some unforgettable and highly enjoyable
racing as they battled to get them all in before the before the
light failed. It is no wonder why Oulton Park is regarded as one of
the most popular circuits in the UK with both riders and spectators
alike. We look forward to seeing this back next year and the club
hopes to hold its first one at the circuit for 2011 on Saturday, 16
April, so you will see us at it for sure. The club after the race
said:- "Once again we would like to thank all the MSV circuit
Staff, the Cheshire Motor Cycle Marshals' Association and the
members of both the British Red Cross and St John Ambulance without
whose help we could not have put on this event. We also want to
thank all the racers and spectators for all their support this
To see the 2011 information for the Wirral 100 go to:-
wirral100.co.uk and for other
race dates at Oulton Park and its connected circuits go to:-
Both Octane and ourselves at Southport & Mersey Reporter would like
to officially thank Motor Sport Vision for their continued support
this year and we look forward to following the many races on their
circuits next year! Don’t worry motor fans, we will still have a few
other motor events to come though before the end of 2010…

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