Photography Plea for
WEBSITE says that we
have all done it in the past, seen a photograph on a website and
copied it, but how many do that from a book? How many see
copying a film or a TV show as a breach of copyright, even when it
is on the internet? So why the change of heart when it comes down to
photographs? Photography is just as important to society, if not
more so than the music or film industry, yet it is often seen as a
less important to people as they think, due to the fact they can
take images themselves, photographs are free. This is most relevant
on the web. You often hear the words:- “The images are in the public
domain, as they are on the internet!” The true meaning of it is in
fact they are still copyright, but the folder/virtual location is
viewable by the public. It was just bad terminology that made people
think anything on the web is free! Without images, the internet
would be a very dull place, but photographs are all over the web and
to keep standards high, think before you copy! The freedom to view
them is very increasingly complex, with the likes of Google and
other search engines including Yahoo, to name just to, that offer
image searches. Often these systems display images taken by
photographers, but not the website they are on. So the user copies
the image and does not read the copyright information on the site.
One answer is that the photographer should watermark all images, but
this often spoils them, thus a new problem for the commercial
photographer is found. If he/she lowers the resolution, it stops
commercial print copying, but not web and electronic copying, so
watermarking often is the answer, but that too spoils the images he
or she wanted to show in the first place. Another solution is not to
put them on the web in the first place, so photographs that are
stunning are never seen by the masses on the web and the
photographer cannot show their skills and sell their work! Then you
have yet another option, that is to just give up on trying to
enforce their copyright on the web against electronic copying. This
can result in loss of sales and in the end, total loss of copyright
control and in some cases even worse! Often the words by users of a
copied image follow “But it advertises your work if I use it on my
site…” Yet what they do not understand is that it costs a lot of
money and time to get images, so credit given is fine, but it does
not pay the bills. Would you go into a bar and order a beer, drink
it and then say thanks, walk off without paying. Then when asked,
you say to the Police:- “I told my friends the bar was
fantastic. The beer was cold and glasses are clean.” Would
you get away with it? What public need to think is that killing off
the industry, by illegally copying photographs on the web is
destroying people’s livelihoods! It is not just photographers who
are affected by the copying of images. Models, hairdressers, make-up
artists and lots more all suffer, as without the cash from photo
sales, photographers can’t hire them. Newspapers and other groups
have to also cut jobs, as photographs make money for the papers,
which in turn employ countless staff. Even the internet suffers, as
loss of photo sales affects website developers, programmers, not
forgetting camera shops and the list goes on. Without images the
place would be a poorer place. Photographers are very important part
of society and provide a major part in our everyday lives. This is
often overlooked. They are often more important than people
acknowledge, so this Christmas, think about it. Don’t copy an image
illegally. Photographers are now taking legal action against illegal
users and you could easily face a criminal record if caught. Don’t
take the chance, support a tradition that helps shape society
instead. Support the art form that is photography. Support your
photographers! Don’t copy images, even to your Facebook account
without permission as photographers have bills to pay just like you!
political comment ~
Remembrance Services

THIS year, the red poppy has
again been hijacked for political purposes. In Hyde Park, London,
angry exchanges took after an ‘Islamic group’ called
‘Muslims Against Crusades’ burned poppies. Even in
Southport on Sunday, 14 November 2010, a protester was shouting at
the start of the memorial service. But it was not just the protests
that have raised eye brows, but also the fact that some of the
nations outside the UK do not understand the true connotations of
the poppy. One big example of this happened this year, with the
Chinese… So what is Remembrance Day and why should we strive to keep
the symbol of the Poppy, Armistice Day and Remembrance Sunday? It is
in no way glorification of war or a demonstration of power, as some
might have read it described in recent weeks, but it is the UK’s way
of remembering just how costly war truly is. It is our manner of
remembering those who sacrificed their lives to keep us safe and
free. In an ideal world, this would not need to be done, but by
holding services and keeping the Act of Remembrance alive, it causes
to reflect on just how bad war is. The origin of the poppy as a
symbol of remembrance comes not from the colour red taken to mean
war, but because it was one of the few other living things that
survived the battlefield of Flanders, in the western part of Belgium
after the First World War. And for those who do not know about that
war, that area was considered to have had the bloodiest fighting and
the biggest loss of life. During the conflict, the poppies flowering
each year with the coming of the warm weather, brought life, hope to
the troops on both sides and reassurance to those still fighting
that life goes on. But its colour also became a representation of
the blood spilt. How is that a symbol of wanting war? Many Muslim
people have questioned the actions of the extremists. One Muslim on
Merseyside came over to me and confided:- “I am Muslim, I am
here at the memorial service and I come every year. I hope people
see that true Muslims do care and respect, honour and mark these
days. I would like the press not to focus on these radical
extremists. Do they not know or care that Muslim people died during
the first and second world wars?” A similar statement was
made by Akf Suyeb. To us, it just shows how deep misunderstandings
and cultural barriers still exist, despite that those who sacrificed
their lives fought to overcome such issues. But without their
sacrifice, we would not be able to even contemplate discussing such
things today, and that is why we must strive to keep services alive;
to honour and mourn their loss, but also to contemplate what could
have arisen without it. Email to with your views and
feelings on what you think about this issue. Also take a look at our
video on Southport.TV of the services and parades we covered on 14
November 2010. Also let us know what your feelings are about these
services. |