AN 80 million year old dinosaur
egg goes on display, heralding the arrival of Dinomania! This is he
first appearance in Europe of a 14ft long T Rex coming to roam
around World Museum.
Visitors can meet Rex the juvenile Tyrannosaurus Rex for four days
of free prehistoric hysterics 2 December 2010 to 5 December 2010.
The animated dinosaur has been a sensation in the United States and
Australia where it has given thousands of people the opportunity to
see a walking, moving T Rex.
To get visitors in the mood, a dinosaur egg goes on display for the
first time in decades at World Museum. It is one of 25 eggs laid by
an Oviraptor – a small dinosaur that lived in Mongolia.
The nest was discovered by renowned palaeontologist Roy Chapman
Andrews in 1923. Andrews was a flamboyant explorer said to have
inspired the Indiana Jones film character played by Harrison Ford.
The egg comes from the late Cretaceous Djadochta Formation, a
geological area rich in fossils. It was presented to the Liverpool
Free Public Museum (now World Museum) in 1929.
Dinomania! features the T Rex making regular appearances throughout
the day between 1000 and 1700 hours on Thursday, Friday, Saturday
and Sunday, (2 December to 5 December 2010).
In addition, Dino-nite at the Museum features face-to-face meetings
with T Rex between 1730 and 2130 hours on Friday and Saturday (3
December and 4 December 2010). The event includes a dino-dinner,
disco and craft making. Children cost:- £9.50, adults:- £12.50 and a
£40 family ticket is available. Advance booking essential at the
museum or call:- 0151 478 4999.
BBC Survey shows
Young People used as 'cheap labour'
THE Welsh insurance tycoon Paul
Ragan, who is a key supporter of The Princess Royal Trust for
Carers, said today that the BBC survey that reported that there were
four times more young carers in the UK than officially recognised
had come ‘as no great surprise’ and that young people
are being used as ’cheap labour’ for carers.
“We have said for many years that there are far too many child
carers who are not recognised or supported.” said Mr Ragan, who was
a child carer himself and looked after his own mother, who suffered
from schizophrenia, from the age of five until 10 on a Sheffield
council estate. Now that the plight of child carers has received the
public attention that it deserves the important issue is what we do
about it. The vital thing is that all financial support for young
carers is ring-fenced and protected from all central and local
government cuts.” said Mr Ragan, who is a star of Channel
4’s ‘Secret Millionaire’.
4,029 schoolchildren from 10 UK schools responded to a questionnaire
prepared for the BBC by academics from Nottingham University.
337 (8%) of the children who responded said they had carried out
“personal care“ for someone “a lot of the time“
or “some of the time“ over the last month.
This survey would reflect that there are about 700,000 young carers
currently in the UK – the 2001 census identified only 175,000 child
The head of the school of sociology at University of Nottingham,
Professor Saul Becker said the survey had found a “hidden
army“ of young carers in Britain.
He said it was a “wake-up call“ to governments and
carers organisations.
A spokesman for the National Young Carers Coalition (a group of
charities including the Princess Royal Trust for Carers, Barnardo’s
and the Children’s Society) agreed with Mr Ragan and said the
figures came as “no surprise“.
“The Princess Royal Trust for Carers provides 85 young carer’s
services and interactive websites and supports over 25,000 children
who are looking after family members. It is more important that we
support the work of the Trust now than ever before. We must all
ensure that cuts to public spending do not impact upon young
carers.” said Mr Ragan. |
Billy Butler MBE "Mrs Butler’s Eldest" signs books for fans!

KNOWN to many as 'Mrs Butler's
eldest' from Radio Merseyside
Billy Butler has captured
audiences for years and now has released a very captivating book
about his life. We managed to snap a shot of this popular Radio
Presenter at Prichard’s Books in Formby, on Saturday, 13 November
2010. His book is highly entertaining, just like his many radio
shows, it gives a fantastic insight into Liverpudlian culture and
Liverpudlian humour. Not forgetting Billy Butler himself... Now we
think this book is 3 cherries! If you want to hear him live on the
radio, he is on BBC Radio Merseyside every weekday afternoon from
2pm, and every Saturday from 9.30am to 12pm. You can also follow his
Face book page
Facebook If you want a copy of
this book, you can get it now on our
online shop but be warned, limited
stock remains and also we can only do UK delivery at this point in
time. But if you live in Formby, why not call in Prichard’s Bookshop
and get a copy from them!

Oscar A-Ward Winners
THE Red Carpet is being rolled
out to honour people who have helped improve an inner-city ward in
The Riverside Oscars celebrate those organisations and individuals
who have made a significant contribution to improving life in their
They will receive awards and certificates at a glitzy ceremony in
the Contemporary Urban Centre in Greenland Street on Friday, 19
November 2010 from 6pm to 9pm.
Among the Oscars to be presented are those for youth, public service
and community champions.
Starring roles will go to the winners of lifetime achievements
awards which will be announced on the night.
Welcoming addresses will be made by Louise Ellman MP and Councillor
Paul Brant. Deputy Leader of the City Council and a Riverside ward
councillor. There will be performances by the L1 After School
Club, the BackAlive Kick-boxing club and Heather Dinnar.
Councillor Steve Munby, Cabinet member for Neighbourhoods and a
Riverside ward councillor, said:- “We have heard a lot
recently about the Big Society but long before that was thought of
there were individuals and organisations who were devoting their
time and energy to make their neighbourhood a better place to live
and work in. It is only right that their efforts should be honoured.
They are true Oscar winners and the event to celebrate them promises
to be a night to remember.”
This year’s event is sponsored by Liverpool City Council, Plus Dane
Group, LHT, LMH, Regenda, Bulky Bobs, The Flanagan Group, Neptune
Developments and Lee Park Properties. |