Mum to be matron says
get your flu jab

HOSPITAL matron Jackie Brunton
wasted no time getting her flu jab once being told she was pregnant.
The happy news was the result of Jackie and her husband David’s
third course of IVF treatment.
“You’re special when you’re expecting and this is a really special
pregnancy. That’s why I had no hesitation in acting on my midwife’s
advice to have the flu jab. The vaccine doesn’t contain any live
virus so I knew it would be completely safe. I also know from being
a nurse that if I caught flu while pregnant I might not only be very
poorly but risk ending up in hospital very seriously ill.”
said Jackie, 35, who is Head of Nursing at Southport and Ormskirk
Pregnant women are one of the high risk groups who should consider
speaking to their GP about a free flu vaccination. Other risk groups
include people aged 65 years and over. Also anyone with a long-term
or chronic health problem (eg. heart, liver and kidney disease,
breathing difficulties, diabetes, lowered immunity due to disease or
medical treatment). Living in a long-stay residential care homes or
other long-stay care facilities Caring for an older or disabled
Jackie’s colleague, Consultant Medical Microbiologist, Judith Bowley
said:- “I would urge anyone who is at risk to follow Jackie’s
example and get their flu vaccination. It’s never too late to get
protection. The vaccine is safe and effective, and will protect
against the main flu strains around this winter including H1N1
(swine flu)."
She added that, in order to protect vulnerable patients, it is
important that people do not attend hospital outpatient appointments
if they have flu symptoms. They should telephone the hospital and
make a new appointment.
Air Ambulance Charity shop urgently need stock
THE North West Air Ambulance
Charity urgently needs your help. Our charity shop is running low on
stock and we are appealing to our supporters and the general public
to donate their unwanted items during the Christmas period.
Do you have items of unwanted clothing, toys and bric-a-brac, or
shoes and handbags that are no longer used hanging around cluttering
up your home?
Christmas may be a time for “out with the old and in with the
new”, but we need good quality articles all year round,
please think of us when it comes time for a clear out
Please remember to donate your unwanted goods to your local Air
Ambulance charity shop in Tulketh Street, Southport. If you are
unable to drop them off please contact us on:- 0151 547 7830 and we
will arrange for someone to collect them from you.
The money our charity shops make helps us save lives on a daily
basis and provides a permanent appeal for funds. The North
West Air Ambulance is a charity and we need to raise £4 million each
year to keep our two life-saving helicopters in the air and saving
lives across the North West. |
Chief Executive ‘hugely proud’ of staff

IT wasn’t quite trains, planes
and automobiles but staff at Southport and Ormskirk hospital didn’t
let the snow and ice get in the way of coming to work. One member of
staff at Ormskirk arrived by tractor while others abandoned their
cars, pulled on boots and walked to work.
Jonathan Parry, Chief Executive of Southport and Ormskirk Hospital
NHS Trust, said he was “hugely proud” of the efforts
staff had made across every part of the Trust. “We have had
staff walking long distances to work, coming in on their day off and
sleeping overnight on site to ensure they are here for patients the
next day. I am hugely proud of their enormous professionalism and
commitment to the health and well-being of the people of Southport
and Ormskirk.” he added.
The Trust has seen a sharp increase in the number of patients
treated for broken bones because of the severe weather. Outpatient
lists continue to operate for patients who can safely get to
Mr Parry added that the pressure on health services is expected to
continue over the Christmas and New Year period. “We have
plans in place to deal with this but, as usual, I appeal to the
people to use NHS services sensibly. Accident and emergency services
are for people with life-threatening or serious conditions that need
immediate attention. A well-stocked medicine cabinet can deal with
most minor injuries and ailments. If you need further advice, go to
your local pharmacist, treatment centre or out of hours GP service.
Details of these can found on the Trust website under the ‘Choose
Well’ link.”
Ryanair to maintain
Summer 2011 capacity at JLA
RYANAIR has unveiled their Summer
2011 flying programme from Liverpool John Lennon Airport (JLA) and
at a time when the low fares airline is cutting back on business at
most other UK airports, the volume of Ryanair traffic through
Liverpool is due to remain similar to last year’s.
Changes to the airline’s operation will see a reduction in the
overall number of destinations served but an increase in frequency
on the most popular routes, giving the region’s holidaymakers a
greater choice of flights to those destinations with the most
In particular, the airline’s Summer 2011 schedule will focus on
traditional Summer sun destinations ideal for families.
One new addition to Ryanair’s Liverpool network will include Toulon
in the South of France. This is just 45 minutes from Marseille and
just over an hour from the glitz and glamour of St Tropez on the
Cote d’Azur and is likely to prove popular for holidaymakers also
looking for convenient flights to Provence.
Nick Smillie, Aviation Sales Director for Peel Airports commented:-
”In the current economic climate, to be able to retain
existing levels of business from airlines’s such as Ryanair who are
cutting back by as much as 20% of their operations elsewhere in the
UK, is quite an achievement. Ryanair’s programme from here will
concentrate on popular, traditional, Mediterannean destinations
giving those looking for great low cost, family summer sun holidays,
far greater opportunities than in previous years.” |