Xmas Gifts and Bicycles for Children in Merseyside
Photographs by
Ian Fairbrother
THE Goodrich
Actuation Systems facility at Huyton on Merseyside has worked
closely with local charities, to try and bring some joy this
Christmas to children in our local community.
Employees at the site were asked to nominate local children’s
charities, community centres and schools where children would
benefit from bicycles this Christmas. There was an enthusiastic
response and a total of 11 charities were identified including,
Barnado’s Action with Young Carers. Barnado’s work with children and
young people who provide care to another family member. Other
charities included the Peace Centre, Warrington and a number of
local schools and scout groups. In total a 100 bicycles will be
provided by Hobsons Cycles, a local bike shop who have worked in
partnership with us. The first bikes will be handed over to
Eastcroft Park Primary School on Wednesday 15 December at 10.30am,
followed by a handed over to PC Robby Pritchard by Goodrich Vice
President, Paul Lennon and a group of employees on Thursday, 16
December 2010. PC Pritchard, otherwise known as Robby the Bobby, is
a local police officer who works with schools and the local
community in the Croxteth and Norris Green area, with a view to
reducing the fear of crime in young people and the community. As
part of his role within the Safer Schools Partnership, Robby and his
partners will be identifying those children most deserving of these
fantastic Christmas gifts. In addition money has been donated
to the Radio City Cash for Kids Appeal who aim to raise money to
improve the quality of lives of children in Liverpool and the
surrounding areas. Cash for Kids is currently running a special
appeal at this time of year to ensure children who might otherwise
receive nothing, at least receive one present this Christmas.
The funding for this has been donated by
Goodrich and is in recognition of the hard work and contribution
made by our Huyton employees. Company representative Paul Lennon
said:- "It was really heartening to get involved with the
distribution of these bikes and gifts and we are delighted to have
been able to help so many children this Christmas."
Goodrich Corporation, a Fortune 500 company, is a global supplier of
systems and services to aerospace, defence and homeland security
markets. With one of the most strategically diversified portfolios
of products in the industry, Goodrich serves a global customer base
with significant worldwide manufacturing and service facilities.
For more information visit:-
goodrich.com. |
THE Government has announced new
funding to continue the fight against loan sharks and scams.
Specialist regional Illegal Money Lending (IML) and Scambuster teams
run by Trading Standards will continue to be funded by the
Department for Business. In order to deliver even better results and
a more efficient service the Government will also be re-organising
the structure of the IML teams.
The IML and Scambuster projects will be funded next year at
approximately the same level as this year, also receiving £5.2m and
£3.2m respectively. Funding is expected to be similar in 2012
to 2013.
The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills will also
restructure the IML project - moving away from regional teams to a
structure that will see one team in England alongside national teams
in Scotland and Wales. Action in England will be co-ordinated by a
Birmingham based team that already covers five regions and has
proved to be extremely successful. Expanding its role will bring
efficiency savings, but should also bring even better results – with
independent research showing that larger teams have proved more
successful than smaller ones.
Consumer Minister Edward Davey said:- “These are good projects
- they are taking the fight to loan sharks and scammers in
communities up and down the country. It is extremely pleasing that
despite the huge budget deficit we have been able to find the
funding to continue this important work. People who prey on the
vulnerable will not be tolerated and these teams will help lead the
fight against these crooks. But at a time when extremely tough
public spending decisions have to be made, we have also taken a long
hard look at whether we can deliver the same outcomes in a more
efficient way. I believe our new structure does exactly that – I’m
confident it will bring efficiency savings and even better results.”
The Department for Work and Pensions has also announced today that
Jobcentre Plus has joined forces with Trading Standards to help
customers who are being targeted by loan sharks. Frontline staff at
Jobcentre Plus are now being trained in how to spot signs of illegal
money lending activity...
Did you know?
1. To date, the IML teams have:-
► Identified over 1,700 illegal lenders.
► Arrested over 500 illegal money lenders (loan sharks).
► Written off over £37 million of illegal debts (money victims would
have paid back to illegal lenders if the Department had not acted).
► Secured over 182 prosecutions, resulting in prison sentencing
totalling over 107 years and one indefinite.
► Helped over 16,000 victims of loan sharks including the most hard
to reach individuals.
► Seized over £1.3 million in cash.
► Over £20 million of assets are being investigated (under POCA)
with the intention of removing these from illegal lender.
► Referred over 600 victims to alternate (legal) sources of
financial support.
2. To date, the Scambuster teams have:-
► Uncovered an estimated £55 million worth of
► Made estimated £23 million savings for
► £16.5 million worth of criminal assets seized.
► 58 defendants including organisations successfully prosecuted with
sentences totalling 75 years imposed.
3. Over 150 credit unions and community financial institutions in
Great Britain have benefited from the Department for Work and
Pensions Growth Fund and more than 306,000 loans have been made to
financially excluded people with a total value of an estimated
4. Consumer Direct works in partnership with Trading Standards and
offers information on the most common types of scams and advice on
what to look out for. If you think you have been a victim of a scam
you can contact Consumer Direct on:- 08454 04 05 06 or via their
consumerdirect.gov.uk. |