Xmas Gifts and Bicycles for Children in Merseyside

before Christmas are the Radio City crew helping the Cash 4 Kids
gang by sorting out toys for the Toy Appeal 2010. The Appeal helps
thousands of children across Liverpool, every year by giving them
presents for Christmas morning. Radio City's Cash for Kids Christmas
Appeal 2010 was in association with ASDA who ran 'Secret
Santa'. That let the public buy extra presents to help make
a real difference to a local child this Christmas. More information
about the appeal can be found via:-

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Celebrity Photo Spot
WELL this is the last one for
2010. Pictured by one of our Vamphire.com photographers is Pamela
Anderson entering the Liverpool Emphire on icy steps. The blonde
bombshell had been on stage at over Christmas in a production of
'Genie of the Lamp'.
LSTM Director Professor Janet
Hemingway on 23 December 2010 commended the individuals and
organisations that have helped to make 2010 a year of great
achievement for LSTM in the midst of challenging economic
conditions:- “We have attracted new talent and new research
income which further embeds our position as a leading centre of
excellence in tropical and international health. To do so in the
prevailing economic conditions is a testament to the skill,
knowledge and reputation of our staff that helps us to compete and
win out in an increasingly competitive global market. The renewal of
funding for the IVCC with a further US$50 million cements the role
of our staff as leaders of large scale partnerships that are well
placed to push forward the frontiers of science in our quest to
improve the health of the developing world. I am delighted to report
that the work we are doing is now supported by a research order book
totalling a record £192 million. We have been able invest in new
staff and attract further talent to LSTM, significantly expanding
our parasitology research capability, particularly in the area of
neglected tropical diseases, and have brought our headcount to
nearly 300, including 19 Professors. I was also very pleased to note
the expertise we have in evidence-based healthcare being
acknowledged with our designation by the World Health Organisation
as a Collaborating Centre for Evidence Synthesis for Infectious and
Tropical Diseases. On the teaching side we have enhanced our
provision of Masters programmes and expanded our portfolio of short
courses. Our overseas teaching partnerships continue to flourish
with the graduation of the second cohort of students at the Centre
for Strategic Health Studies in Syria and the second year of the
Diploma in Humanitarian Assistance being run in South Africa. We are
completing a major refurbishment of our existing facilities and can
look forward to further investments and growth in LSTM’s estate over
the next three or four years, as we take forward our plans for the
Institute of Translational Medicine. This will pull together the
numerous elements within LSTM that translate evidence-based research
into policy and practice within the health systems of individual
countries. As we look forward to the future, I would like thank our
numerous stakeholders and donors and praise the hard work and
dedication of all of our staff, without whom we would be unable to
deliver the breakthroughs and innovations that make an ongoing
difference to the lives of so many people in the developing world.” |