Launch success for the 18th Liverpool-Chester Bike Ride

THE Paralympic
Silver medallist Rik Waddon - Patron of Claire House, Claire Bear -
mascot of Claire
House, Dr Paula Grey, Director
of Public Health of Liverpool PCT and Vice Chair Cllr Alan Dean of
Merseytravel celebrated the launch of the Liverpool Chester
Liverpool bike ride, which is to take place on Sunday, 3 July 2011.
Bear certainly got into the spirit of things by hoping on a bike to
launch the much loved event. Claire House Children’s Hospice are
delighted to be the new charity beneficiary for the popular mass
participation bike ride.
The event, also supported every year by
Merseytravel, is the biggest
bike ride in Merseyside, and is the only cycle event in the country
that includes nearly 3 miles underground; traffic free thanks to
exclusive access to the Birkenhead (Queensway) Tunnel. Without the
help from Merseytravel the unique underground part of the
Liverpool-Chester Bike Ride would cease to exist.
Mark Dowd, Chair of Merseytravel, said:- “This is the 18th
year we have supported the event which reflects our commitment to
sustainable transport choices. We have made Health and Wellbeing one
of the core goals of the new Local Transport Plan and cycling offers
an easy way for people to incorporate physical activity into
everyday lives.”

Sponsors Liverpool PCT are also working
hard with its partners to promote better physical and mental health
through the Decade of Health and
Wellbeing, their support for
the Liverpool Chester bike ride is part of their commitment to
promoting events which encourage a healthier way of life.
Gideon Ben-Tovim, Chair of Liverpool
PCT, said:- “We’d like as
many people as possible to embrace the Decade of Health and
Wellbeing, and our support for the Liverpool-Chester Bike Ride is
part of our commitment to promoting events which encourage a
healthier way of life. The Bike Ride is a great way for people to
have fun and get active."
Mark Sandamas, Director of Pennine
Events explains:-
"The event launch has sparked a real buzz about this year’s event;
we are very much looking forward to it! The sponsors of the bike
ride are of great importance as without them, it would be impossible
to produce the event on such a huge scale, and with the event in its
18th year it is essential that we continue to run it to the highest
This year, event organisers, Pennine Events want to see more
participants taking part than ever before, with more than double the
number of entries than at this time last year. If this continues it
should be a success and raise over £10,000 for Claire House
Children’s Hospice.
For more information about the event and to enter online, people can
visit:- |
Breckfield’s Big Clean Up
from the Breckfield area of Liverpool will be making major grot spot
improvements through litter picking, painting and graffiti removal
on Wednesday as part of a national campaign called:- ‘The Big Tidy
Deputy Lord Mayor, Councillor Frank Prendergast said:- “I
whole-heartedly support events such as this, it’s vital that we
assist community groups in building a better environment for
everyone to enjoy.
It’s great that so many people are willing to give up their free
time to ensure that their surrounding areas are not only litter free
but a pleasure to walk through, only by working together can a
neighbourhood become a community.”
Sophie Brown, Community Engagement Officer for Riverside, which
organised the event, said:- “We are keen to foster links
between the community and service providers to make our
neighbourhoods cleaner, greener and safer places to live. It is only
by working together and encouraging local residents to take pride in
their area and develop a sense of ownership that we can make a real
The aim is to encourage local residents to take responsibility where
they live. Up to 80 volunteers, including Liverpool student
volunteers, are expected to attend to plant up a new community
garden and put together 60 hanging baskets.
In addition skips will be provided for each street and support in
removal of bulkier items. Each Registered Social Landlord will also
have an hour long drop in session from a caravan onsite throughout
the day providing general information and taking queries from
Anyone wishing to help out can contact Sophie Brown (Riverside) on:-
0151 298 3402 or come along to the Breckfield Centre on Breckfield
Road North to participate on the day at:- 10:00am.
New UCAS guide stands
out from the crowd
competition for university places greater than ever, UCAS’ new
‘must-have’ Guide to getting into University and College
is on hand to help would be students make sure their application is
the best they can make it.
In the words of one teacher:- "This is the book we have all
been waiting a long time for."
With good research an essential part of any application, applicants
who are thinking of applying for 2012 entry should be making the
most of the time they have now, before Course Search goes live in a
couple of months time, to understand the process of applying and
what they might want from their perfect course.
UCAS adviser, John Madden said:- "We know, from the phone
calls we receive, that applicants sometimes don’t know what to do
first. Time should be invested at key stages - whether that is in
research or writing the personal statement. Understanding that
process now, before the cycle really begins will stand applicants in
good stead."
Jack Sandrey, a future applicant from Yeovil said:- "Applying
to university can be a very intimidating process but, with the help
of this guide, the process is simple. There are useful symbols and
tips throughout the book with helpful points to bear in mind. I
especially liked the quotes from universities, and I now have a
better understanding of what they're looking for in a personal
Debbie Verdino, Post 16 Manager at Thomas Deacon Academy said:-
"Absolutely brilliant! It’s a must have read - not only for students
who are thinking about higher education, but their parents, new
advisers or anyone at all who wants to understand the process."
For more information on the book visit the UCAS
website. |