Keeping crime off the doorstep
A series of
crime prevention road shows, organised by Liverpool’s Community Crime
Fighters, gets under way. The Community Crime Fighter
programme is an initiative by Citysafe, Liverpool’s community safety
partnership. It involves people taking an active role in tackling
crime and anti social behaviour in their neighbourhood.
The first 2 road shows will focused on dealing with bogus callers who
gain access to property to steal. Typically they pose as a council
or utility official. This type of crime can have long lasting
emotional effects on the victim and it is quite often under-reported
due to embarrassment. It can also be difficult to detect from a
policing point of view due to the ‘travelling’ nature of the crime.
These road shows target over 55’s and the next will be located at Liverpool Lighthouse on Friday, 18 March
2011, from 1pm to 4pm. These events have been supported by a number of agencies who will give
crime prevention advice and guests will be entertained by the
Evergreen Drama Group who will perform a play about bogus callers.
Councillor Ann O’ Byrne, cabinet member for community safety, said:-
“Thefts by bogus callers can have very severe effects on their
victims. It is a particularly callous type of crime as the callers
tend to prey on elderly people. The road shows will give
reassurance and advice on how we can stop this type of crime.”

AS we a
letter reported to us in February
about the War Memorial in Southport Town Centre being taken over by
litter and jobs, but action is now being taken. We have found out
that many other areas are full of waste dumped by fly tippers and
other people, but the tide is turning. Sefton Council has been out
and about collecting evidence over the last few weeks in an attempt
to bring the fly tippers to justice and to help clear up the
streets. If you have seen any areas you would like highlighted to
the council, please let us know by emailing our news desk to and also if you have any
views on the issues around the drunks, also let us know.
Samaritans launches Facebook drive to encourage support for suicidal
SAMARITANS have teamed up with Facebook to create a pioneering
new scheme allowing the 30 million people on Facebook in the UK to
get help for a friend they believe is struggling to cope or feeling
People concerned about a friend will be able to tell Samaritans via Facebook’s Help Centre, where they can
report specific content such as status updates or wall posts.
Facebook will then put Samaritans in touch with the distressed
friend to offer their expert support.
This initiative runs in tandem with an awareness campaign through
Samaritans’ Facebook Page, giving advice on supporting vulnerable
friends such as how to spot the signs of distress and how to start a
difficult conversation. Also on the Page will be messages from high
profile celebrities backing the campaign.
Catherine Johnstone, Chief Executive of Samaritans, said:-
“Through the popularity of Facebook, we are harnessing the power of
friendship so people can get help. As a friend you are better placed
to know whether someone close to you is struggling to cope or even
feeling suicidal.
We want to remind people that if a friend says that life isn’t worth
living, they should always be taken seriously. Facebook is a part of
daily life for so many of us and we must make sure that people
online have support when they need it.”
Facebook’s Director of Policy for Europe, Richard Allan said:-
“We're pleased to welcome the expertise of a great partner in
Samaritans. They will help to make our robust reporting system even
more effective, as friends are encouraged to look out for one
another on Facebook as they do in the real world. This supplements
the number of ways to get help already available on Facebook, from
our Help Centre to the reporting tools we offer.”
Samaritans’ volunteers have welcomed the initiative. Sandra
Forrester, director of Samaritans’ Northampton branch and part of
the team responding to the Facebook referrals, said:- “It is a
brilliant idea that we team up with Facebook as it is another way
for vulnerable people to know that we are here to support them, and
that they aren’t alone.”
Samaritans is running a Facebook advertising campaign to encourage
people to “Like” their fan
where they can find updates on the charity’s work and how to become
a supporter.
Home Watch and Merseyside Police have produced a new crime
prevention video. The video features 'Debbie' a recent
burglary victim in Sefton, who explains how not locking her front
door properly allowed burglars to break into her home.
"In this video she reminds every resident to make sure they use all
their locks correctly and tells those with UPVC doors to always turn
the key after lifting up the handle to make sure they keep crooks
out. Unfortunately, not everyone in Sefton is in Home Watch and
therefore do not receive these helpful messages. If you are
interested in joining the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme, please come
along to the next meeting." said Sefton Home Watch member,
Margaret Jepson. To see the video you can log on now to
the Merseyside Police
website. For more
information and dates, please contact Sefton Home Watch member,
Margaret Jepson, via
email. |